Official - Ivan Henjak Sacked

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International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Did Ivan pork your missus, Porthoz? you have an incredible amount of hate for him.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
The bottom half of Ports rant i can agree with 100%.. Top half, well yeah did he pork your missus?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
No hate, besides the conviction that he's not and never will be a good coach, simply because he isn't a leader of men.
Let's not forget that it was ONLY under Henjak's tenure that we saw the Broncos capitulate on the field, not once, but several times. And that is my main grief with him!

In other words, the first half of my post is based on the second half. [icon_wink
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Porthoz said:
Let's not forget that it was ONLY under Henjak's tenure that we saw the Broncos capitulate on the field, not once, but several times. And that is my main grief with him![icon_wink
wait, what?

the Broncos had gone just as bad, if not worse, on multiple occasions under Wayne Bennett, and while they had much stronger teams.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Didn't we concede our biggest ever loss under henjak, 56-0?

I also remember reading something about the amount of times we conceded 40 points was a record under Henjak, though that may/may not be true.

We conceded 40 points or more 5 times in 2009. I haven't gone through the Bennett years, but I think it's safe to say it wouldn't be more than 5 in one season under Bennett.

Let's remember that.


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
Renegade said:
I also remember reading something about the amount of times we conceded 40 points was a record under Henjak, though that may/may not be true.

Nah, they were all conceded under Steve Michaels


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
OXY-351 said:
Renegade said:
I also remember reading something about the amount of times we conceded 40 points was a record under Henjak, though that may/may not be true.

Nah, they were all conceded under Steve Michaels
Another fuckup by henjak then, keeping a player on until his confidence was totally shot to pieces.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Renegade said:
Didn't we concede our biggest ever loss under henjak, 56-0?

I also remember reading something about the amount of times we conceded 40 points was a record under Henjak, though that may/may not be true.
Broncos biggest losses:

56-0 vs Canberra - 2009 (henjak)
68-22 vs Parramatta - 2007 (bennett)
50-4 vs Melbourne - 2005 (bennett)
48-2 vs Melbourne - 2009 (henjak)
44-0 vs Newcastle - 2001 (bennett)
48-6 vs Melbourne - 1999 (bennett)
40-0 vs Melbourne - 2007 (bennett)

Broncos longest losing streaks:
8 Matches (Round 20 to Finals Week 1, 2003) (bennett)
8 Matches (Round 22, 2005 to Round 1, 2006) (bennett)
6 Matches (Round 20 to 25, 2001) (bennett)

Renegade said:
We conceded 40 points or more 5 times in 2009. I haven't gone through the Bennett years, but I think it's safe to say it wouldn't be more than 5 in one season under Bennett.
yet in 2009 we turned that around and made the grand final qualifier, knocking out the odds-on favourites for the premiership.

there was obviously something going wrong at the club in that 5-6 week period where we got belted by 40 for basically 5 weeks in a row, and credit should go to the coaching staff and players for getting out of that slump and making the grand final qualifier. when we had our YEARLY slump under bennett, we made the finals and then got bundled out without winning a game. remember, we went something like 5 years without winning a single finals match despite being in every finals series during those years.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
So then, when taking into account Brisbanes top 5 biggest ever losses, Henjak was in charge of 2 of them, and he was only the coach for 2 years? As opposed to Bennetts 3 in 20?

not exactly a shining indictment of his ability.

Also, Henjak's 2010 season saw us finishing with 11 wins for the season. Tied lowest total ever.

The only other season which saw us finish with 11 wins was 2007, the year locky busted his knee.

I'm sure we can keep going with stats, but henjak is going to end up worse for wear.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Anonymous person said:
when we had our YEARLY slump under bennett, we made the finals and then got bundled out without winning a game. remember, we went something like 5 years without winning a single finals match despite being in every finals series during those years.

It was only 3 years iirc, 2003, 2004, 2005. We were in the pre-lims for 2002 I think?

6 matches in total. Not great, but hey, we won it in 2006 after being towelled 20-4 at home by the Dragons, not a bad turnaround either.


NRL Player
Mar 16, 2008
Didn't we concede around ~ 30 points a game under Henjack last year?

I'd hazard a guess no Bennett team has ever gone close to that.

Greatest defensive coach of all time. All time.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Renegade said:
So then, when taking into account Brisbanes top 5 biggest ever losses, Henjak was in charge of 2 of them, and he was only the coach for 2 years? As opposed to Bennetts 3 in 20?

not exactly a shining indictment of his ability.

Also, Henjak's 2010 season saw us finishing with 11 wins for the season. Tied lowest total ever.

The only other season which saw us finish with 11 wins was 2007, the year locky busted his knee.

I'm sure we can keep going with stats, but henjak is going to end up worse for wear.
I think you can add this to 2007:
the year locky busted his knee, karmichael busted his ankle, berrigan busted his jaw, corey busted his arm...etc etc etc we had No luck with injuries that year [icon_non
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Renegade said:
So then, when taking into account Brisbanes top 5 biggest ever losses, Henjak was in charge of 2 of them, and he was only the coach for 2 years? As opposed to Bennetts 3 in 20?

not exactly a shining indictment of his ability.

Also, Henjak's 2010 season saw us finishing with 11 wins for the season. Tied lowest total ever.

The only other season which saw us finish with 11 wins was 2007, the year locky busted his knee.

I'm sure we can keep going with stats, but henjak is going to end up worse for wear.
and 2010 was the year where we had our youngest squad, and the worst injury toll ever. think maybe that had something to do with it?

if you go back 20 years, bennett would have 99% of our biggest losses, so that doesnt make henjak look worse, does it?

look, whichever way you look at it, you cant say that the broncos didnt have horrible periods under wayne bennett. they did. nearly every single year we had a decent losing streak. i dont know if you were a fan back then, probably not, but it was always 'when are the Broncos going to start their losing streak this year?' and not 'you think they'll have a losing streak this year?'. we knew it would happen, and it rarely disappointed. this was with wayne bennett as our coach.

it was almost a certainty in the NRL - the refs would make mistakes, the nsw players get off lightly at the judiciary, and the broncos have a yearly slump. for a while there it was also that the broncos make the finals and then get booted out without even putting up a fight.

Renegade said:
It was only 3 years iirc, 2003, 2004, 2005. We were in the pre-lims for 2002 I think?

6 matches in total.
my bad it was 3 years - but it was 7 finals match losses in a row at one stage. thats terrible. like ive always said, id rather not make the finals than make the finals and be cannon fodder. getting into the finals makes people, like some people on here, look at the season as a success. they dont seem to worry about the fact that we made the finals and got done by 30 points in the first round, they just see we made the finals and think that makes us a good team so we dont need to change much. well ive got news for you - when half the teams in the competition make the finals, its not a big achievement. if missing the finals is what is needed to get the coaching staff/players to realise they need to improve and change then we need to miss the finals. its the same way that winning a premiership doesnt mean youve got nothing to change. yes, we won a premiership with a dud halfback - but that doesnt mean hes the best halfback for our team. we wouldve won it even easier if we had a decent one.

thats why missing out last year didnt really pain me that much. we were shot. injuries ruined our season 100%. had we stuck around another week we wouldve got pasted by 40 points in the finals.

sure we wouldve maintained our record of making finals appearances alive, but what does it really matter?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Anonymous person said:
and 2010 was the year where we had our youngest squad, and the worst injury toll ever. think maybe that had something to do with it?

I'd suggest that every teams squad is getting younger and younger, more to do with the nature of the salary cap then anything else.
Anonymous person said:
if you go back 20 years, bennett would have 99% of our biggest losses, so that doesnt make henjak look worse, does it?
This is a stupid statement. It is statistically more likely that Bennett is going to have more of the biggest losses, due to the length of the period he coached Brisbane. It is a bad look for Henjak though, to have 2 of the top 5 losses when he coached 1/10th of the duration that Bennett did,

Anonymous person said:
look, whichever way you look at it, you cant say that the broncos didnt have horrible periods under wayne bennett. they did. nearly every single year we had a decent losing streak.

I don't believe anyone has ever said we were invincible and went through each season undefeated? Why are you putting words in people mouths? And losing streak or not, Wayne still won more games for Brisbane, year in, year out, than Henjak. This is not opinion, this is statistical fact.
Anonymous person said:
i dont know if you were a fan back then, probably not, but it was always 'when are the Broncos going to start their losing streak this year?' and not 'you think they'll have a losing streak this year?'. we knew it would happen, and it rarely disappointed. this was with wayne bennett as our coach.

Generally around Origin time, when Brisbane had half their squad picked. Very rarely did any other clubs come close to the selection quota that the Broncos had for rep games. Btw, taking some sort of dig at how long I've been a fan doesn't help your point, if anything it shows you're running out of points. FTR I can remember watching the 92 GF as a 6 year old with my dad, and the 93 one on my own. How about you, superfan?
Anonymous person said:
it was almost a certainty in the NRL - the refs would make mistakes, the nsw players get off lightly at the judiciary, and the broncos have a yearly slump. for a while there it was also that the broncos make the finals and then get booted out without even putting up a fight.

yeah, as I pointed out, 3 years. then we won the premiership. then lockyer busted his knee. then we came within a whisker until sims spilt the ball.

then, granted, henjak did well until Wallace busted his ankle.

then we suffered our lowest ever wins total, and missed the finals for the first time. ever. all under henjaks watch.


NRL Player
Mar 16, 2008
Renegade said:
Anonymous person said:
i dont know if you were a fan back then, probably not, but it was always 'when are the Broncos going to start their losing streak this year?' and not 'you think they'll have a losing streak this year?'. we knew it would happen, and it rarely disappointed. this was with wayne bennett as our coach.

Generally around Origin time, when Brisbane had half their squad picked. Very rarely did any other clubs come close to the selection quota that the Broncos had for rep games. Btw, taking some sort of dig at how long I've been a fan doesn't help your point, if anything it shows you're running out of points. FTR I can remember watching the 92 GF as a 6 year old with my dad, and the 93 one on my own. How about you, superfan?

I'm pretty sure AP's earliest memory of premiership success is the 1999 grand final.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Renegade said:
I'd suggest that every teams squad is getting younger and younger, more to do with the nature of the salary cap then anything else.
yet the broncos team was the youngest of every team in the NRL, and had the least experience out of every team.

Renegade said:
This is a stupid statement. It is statistically more likely that Bennett is going to have more of the biggest losses, due to the length of the period he coached Brisbane. It is a bad look for Henjak though, to have 2 of the top 5 losses when he coached 1/10th of the duration that Bennett did
Bennett had some of the best teams of all time while he was here. not just best Broncos teams - best overall teams. and even then, we still had losing streaks and huge losses. Henjak inherited a team of has-beens and nuffies from Bennett. we were always going to struggle.

Renegade said:
Why are you putting words in people mouths?
im not putting words in anyones mouth. all im pointing out is that for as great as you like to say we were under bennett, and as bad as you like to say we were under henjak, we had our worst losing streaks and almost equally as bad losses (and more of them) under bennett, despite him having a far superior playing roster and not as bad injury tolls.

Renegade said:
Btw, taking some sort of dig at how long I've been a fan doesn't help your point, if anything it shows you're running out of points. FTR I can remember watching the 92 GF as a 6 year old with my dad, and the 93 one on my own. How about you, superfan?
wasnt having a dig - we've just seen many people on here over the years go on and on about stuff and say theyre long time fans, yet they never even saw darren lockyer play fullback. i have no idea who you are, so i dont know if youre one of those fans.

and btw, i watched the 92 grand final as a 7 year old, then the 93 one as an 8 year old [icon_wink

Renegade said:
then, granted, henjak did well until Wallace busted his ankle.
and we lost half of our first grade side to injuries for pretty much the entire first half of the season.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 8, 2008
Bennett is better than Henjak.

Move on super fans.
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