[Official] - Milford signs with Broncos

That's the issue with the Raiders and their fans.

They're taking all their clubs poor management and frustrations out on the wrong player.

Take the Broncos out of the equation, and show you're not heartless bastards and let a young Qld kid be with his family.

They should have taken stronger stances against Dugan or Ferguson, the players who really harmed the club, and not be picking fights with the player trying to leave for the right reasons.
Chris Wilson ‏@cwilsonct
Agent Sam ayoub told me Wednesday he wants @tony_milford to win Mal Meninga medal @raidersCanberra again in 14. Tough ask from Brisbane #nrl
Yet in his story, the actual quote is
Asked how committed Milford, the Mal Meninga Medallist in 2013, would be to Canberra next season, Ayoub said: "I'd like to see him be player of the year again in 2014".
Says nothing about which club or the Meninga Medal. Just a throwaway line.

Anthony Milford's Canberra Raiders return in doubt
When $BW walked out of a contract the NRL banned him for the length of his contract and he had to pay huge compo, there is precedent but that was for a beloved Sydney club.

Well no he wasn't banned, SBW couldn't play for another NRL team for the term of his Dogs' deal- which is exactly what Tony would be doing if he sat out next year.

Hey speaking of mistakes- did you see how Tony doesn't have a clause to leave his Broncos' deal? Should of listened to me a month ago. I told you what was happening!
Milford WILL be at the Broncos in 2014 - the NRL cannot and will not let this kid stand down for a whole season when firstly he has a get out of town clause in his contract - 2nd he is the best new talent in the NRL - 3rd he has already signed with the broncos for 2015/16 and showed to everybody where he wants to be - 4th the Raiders have issued a statement saying he will be with them in 2014 when Milford clearly didn't give them permission to do so and last but no least the NRL cannot afford to have this ongoing he said/we said publicty going on in the background or really aired in public
The NRL will step in very soon - i reckon by xmas if not sooner we will have out man for next year
So pretty much what is happening is that Milford wants to come to Brisbane and Canberra would give their nuts away to keep him at the Raiders. This saga is far from over but we are winning so far.

It's good to hear a direct quote from Milford himself instead of QLD/NSW biased media talks.
If it comes to it, I'd rather he takes the year off.
The Broncos pay him his salary off the books (salary cap) to stay in Brisbane and train with us.

Instead of sending him to the wolves in Canberra where he'll be depressed, stressed out and given Canberra's history, get himself into disciplinary problems.

Better to have him in Brisbane, training hard and avoiding injury.
Milford WILL be at the Broncos in 2014 - the NRL cannot and will not let this kid stand down for a whole season when firstly he has a get out of town clause in his contract - 2nd he is the best new talent in the NRL - 3rd he has already signed with the broncos for 2015/16 and showed to everybody where he wants to be - 4th the Raiders have issued a statement saying he will be with them in 2014 when Milford clearly didn't give them permission to do so and last but no least the NRL cannot afford to have this ongoing he said/we said publicty going on in the background or really aired in public
The NRL will step in very soon - i reckon by xmas if not sooner we will have out man for next year
It is a contract between the club and the player, the NRL cannot force clubs to release players from their contract, the best they can do is use their influence to advise a resolution and hope the Raiders or Milford accept it. The NRL will do everything they can to stay out of it and probably fob it off on the RLPA before they ever got involved. That's why it has and will continue to drag on.
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If it comes to it, I'd rather he takes the year off.
The Broncos pay him his salary off the books (salary cap) to stay in Brisbane and train with us.

Instead of sending him to the wolves in Canberra where he'll be depressed, stressed out and given Canberra's history, get himself into disciplinary problems.

Better to have him in Brisbane, training hard and avoiding injury.
He wouldn't be allowed to train or have any official association with the Broncos if he sits out a year.
PS the Raiders statement is a bit of a red herring.

It was really restating the status quo - that Milford is under contract to play for the Raiders in 2014.

Broncos/Ayoub/Milford stitched up what they could (contract for 2015/2016) to take that out of play.
He wouldn't be allowed to train or have any official association with the Broncos if he sits out a year.

That's not right, he can still be involved. Tallis had a role at the Broncos and was awarded Clubman of the year in 1996.
It is a contract between the club and the player, the NRL cannot force clubs to release players from their contract, the best they can do is use their influence to advise a resolution and hope the Raiders or Milford accept it. The NRL will do everything they can to stay out of it and probably fob it off on the RLPA before they ever got involved.

Yes the NRL can force the release. The NRL is the contract administrator (the body who enforces the contract rules). They get the final say, which is why the contracts have to be registered with them.
In the same way the NRL can terminate/de-register a contract, they can order the release, under the clause in his contract.
I really feel for the kid, life is confusing enough when your young and if you are dreading going to your workplace for whatever reason, life is pretty horrible. Thus far, he has actually done everything right in playing his heart out for his club and more recently Samoa. He now is trying to have a holiday, returning to his roots to be with family overseas and meanwhile, all of this rubbish is blowing up back at home. Im sure he is constantly fielding phone calls from stakeholders and media, when all he really wants to do is be with family, both OS and at home. In would never have been mature enough to deal with this level of distress and public opinion at his age. I just hope somebody in the NRL are extending some offers of support as this level of uncertainty, public abuse and intimidation could really send a young fella over the edge.

It's probably best that he is in Samoa, removed from the hype to some degree. Whether we sign him for 2014 or not, at this stage I just hope he is ok.

He flew back home last night. He's being looked after.
When $BW walked out of a contract the NRL banned him for the length of his contract and he had to pay huge compo, there is precedent but that was for a beloved Sydney club.

Completely different.

SBW didn't have any clause whatsoever

SBW didn't have a sick father

SBW didn't try for months on end to try and make the bulldogs come to the party, he just left without telling anyone
That's not right, he can still be involved. Tallis had a role at the Broncos and was awarded Clubman of the year in 1996.
I dunno, if he was not allowed to play for a competing club I doubt he would be able to promote them commercially either. I would imagine his playing contract would include his image and intellectual property.
Yes the NRL can force the release. The NRL is the contract administrator (the body who enforces the contract rules). They get the final say, which is why the contracts have to be registered with them.
In the same way the NRL can terminate/de-register a contract, they can order the release, under the clause in his contract.
My understanding is that the NRL can refuse to register a contract or de-register a contract for a player to participate in their competition, however the contract is still between the club and the player and by rights only the club can discharge or rescind it, the NRL is not a party to the contract, otherwise all contracts would be made with the NRL, not the clubs.
It's not hearsay, there's no doubt Ayoub was in agreement with the Raiders statement, the problem is that for whatever reason Milford isn't. It could be as innocent as Ayoub being given the wrong impression by Milford and acting on it.
There are two possibilities here:

- Ayoub baited the Raiders into making a false statement, allowing Milford to call them out on the lies, and add another weapon to the arsenal in case this matter ends up in court.

- Ayoub is looking at the 2.1 Mil on offer from the Raiders, which is a hell of a lot more than the contract with the Broncos, and is trying to manipulate Milford into staying at the Raiders for a bigger payday.

Although I wouldn't put it past him, I don't think the second option is realistic, if it is indeed true that the Rd 13 standard contract clause mandated by the NRL, has been removed by both parties (Broncos and Milford).

$BW... really? :laugh:
[MENTION=8374]Bushman[/MENTION], looks like your theory about this being money induced is crumbling apart... what a surprise!
My understanding is that the NRL can refuse to register a contract or de-register a contract for a player to participate in their competition, however the contract is still between the club and the player and by rights only the club can discharge or rescind it, the NRL is not a party to the contract, otherwise all contracts would be made with the NRL, not the clubs.

The NRL 'IS' the supreme authority that administers contracts for NRL players.

Which is why a player can't play NRL without having their contract registered with them.

Have you seen an NRL player contract?
Massive NRL logo at the top of it.

And a release is essentially a 'termination' to use your words, of the previous contract.

Which the NRL clearly possesses the power to do.