[Official] - Milford signs with Broncos

OK in your little scenario does milford just think he has a clause or does he actually have one, because if he did have a clause wouldn't the lawyer say you have a clause you have every right to leave dont worry about the raiders?

The logic in your "opinion" is more on the side of fairytale bias dribble as opposed to "opinion."

And to be fair to hoffman he is a quality player and if I was the broncos and not getting milford in 2014, I would hold onto hoffman, to be honest I would hold onto hoffman even with milford and play him on the wing/centres....

I'd love for us to hold onto Hoffman, only if he wants to stay ... there is no point in having an unhappy player in your team, that could possibly affect the rest of squad.

If he wants to leave, we should just negotiate a release fee with the club that wants him and move on
OK in your little scenario does milford just think he has a clause or does he actually have one, because if he did have a clause wouldn't the lawyer say you have a clause you have every right to leave dont worry about the raiders?

The logic in your "opinion" is more on the side of fairytale bias dribble as opposed to "opinion."

And to be fair to hoffman he is a quality player and if I was the broncos and not getting milford in 2014, I would hold onto hoffman, to be honest I would hold onto hoffman even with milford and play him on the wing/centres....

That's what we want, there's just the little matter of Hoffman not wanting that.
he's changed everything, i mentioned it to him this morning, but never got a reply. But yeah he was wearing Dogs shorts.
Are you talking about Milford or Hoffman now... This thread has become confusing!
Google images > Anthony Milford twitter, he's wearing a bulls singlet kicking a footy.
OK in your little scenario does milford just think he has a clause or does he actually have one, because if he did have a clause wouldn't the lawyer say you have a clause you have every right to leave dont worry about the raiders?

I think you answered your own question there.
He has activated his release clause. That is well known and established. Canberra argue that the clause cant be applied to the situation. Therefore there are three options. Concede defeat and either sit out or play for Canberra. Take them to court to establish whether the clause is relevant or not. Or attempt to register a contract with Brisbane which would force the nrl to decide on whether or not the clause is relevant. This final action still allows milford to take it to court. There is also what he is currently trying which is sign for 2015 thus eliminating any benefit for the raiders to hold him to his contract and hope they see sense and release him as he refuses to return to Canberra.
He has activated his release clause. That is well known and established. Canberra argue that the clause cant be applied to the situation. Therefore there are three options. Concede defeat and either sit out or play for Canberra. Take them to court to establish whether the clause is relevant or not. Or attempt to register a contract with Brisbane which would force the nrl to decide on whether or not the clause is relevant. This final action still allows milford to take it to court. There is also what he is currently trying which is sign for 2015 thus eliminating any benefit for the raiders to hold him to his contract and hope they see sense and release him as he refuses to return to Canberra.

I think we are arguing over the semantics of the word "activated".

If the circumstances are such that one can use a clause ala ricky stuart and one activates thats clause they are free to sign with another club.

If the circumstances in milfords are such were he can legitimately activate the clause, then it shouoldnt matter what canberra raiders threaten, he shouold be free to sign with the broncos?

So why hasn't he?

might I suggest that the clause isn't as clean as what some have posted it as, might i suggest that under the law canberra may have every right to stand their ground.
I think we are arguing over the semantics of the word "activated".

If the circumstances are such that one can use a clause ala ricky stuart and one activates thats clause they are free to sign with another club.

If the circumstances in milfords are such were he can legitimately activate the clause, then it shouoldnt matter what canberra raiders threaten, he shouold be free to sign with the broncos?

So why hasn't he?

might I suggest that the clause isn't as clean as what some have posted it as, might i suggest that under the law canberra may have every right to stand their ground.

if you read the rest of my post you would have seen that you aren't disagreeing with me. He has activated, the raiders are disputing whether he has the right to (they may be legally in the right). That's why you see my fourth option. He could attempt to sign a contract for 2014 in which case the nrl would be forced to adjudicate on whether he could activate the clause or not. If they deem not then milford is forced to pursue another option and Brisbane may be open to an anti tampering law suit.
I have said this before and I will say it again - I am very confident that Milford will be at the Broncos in 2014 - this all has to come to a head starting the 6th December when Milford is expected to turn up for training with the Raiders - if he does it would be a shock and if he doesn't then things will start to move as I would think Canberra will then know that like Houston and Apollo they have a big problem - so time will tell but I dont think it will take tooooo long to sort out once the ball starts to roll
Even if he doesn't show up to Raiders pre-season doesn't mean he will line up for the Broncos in 2014. It may just mean he sits out the 2014 season
we (canberra) have a problem regardless of whether he shows or not.

ftr I dont think there is to much of a difference between the behaviour of hoffman and milford in respect of the professinalism they are displaying.