[Official] Smith re-signs with the Storm

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you sound like a Raiders fan!
Hahaha what would give you that impression mate.

On Smiths career after his playing days he would make a fine player recruiter, knows his way around the cap well, own manager yet still got away with pleading ignorance over having a few contracts no wonder his nickname is the accountant.
Personally, i think Smiths immediate future post-playing is in the media.
Remember the speculation when the Dragons tried to sign Craig Bellamy? There were loads of people suggesting that Smith would become Melbourne's captain-coach!
At a function last week Alfie said when Cameron Smith arrives not if he arrives.
If your talking Macca and captaincy no.
Also was not dancing on tables

What? My question was what did he say as in what was that sentence? I'm
Assuming it wasn't "when cam smith gets here" *sentence ended ubruptly due to alien abduction*
He was talking about things changing for the better with the club after this years poor season when this was brought up. I know I use the wrong word at times so I picked up on it.
certainly the way I took it was that Smith is coming and would have a positive affect on the club. There was no elaboration by him on the subject
Hahaha what would give you that impression mate.

On Smiths career after his playing days he would make a fine player recruiter, knows his way around the cap well, own manager yet still got away with pleading ignorance over having a few contracts no wonder his nickname is the accountant.

Smith has a management company that handles his deals. He's never acted on his own.
Everyone's coming to Brizzy. We should just make two sides: The Broncos and the Wishful Thinking.