On Current Form not including Origin or Injuries what is your best 17?

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
The one thing i really have noticed and i mentioned it last night is he seems to be lacking strength. He's just not powering through people anymore. He was getting driven back like Tesi Niu last night which is very unusual for him.

Thats simply unfair......Panthers were super strong in defence

I, for one, have underrated their level....

To use last night as a launching pad against Staggs, only shows your true bias against him
for everyone to see.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Thats simply unfair......Panthers were super strong in defence

I, for one, have underrated their level....

To use last night as a launching pad against Staggs, only shows your true bias against him
for everyone to see.

Thats just stupid talk. I dont discriminate against players just because i don't like them as a person. If i think they have played like shit i'll say it. And i think he was shit last night. Its not difficult at all to separate the person from the player. I dont know why some people have a hard time with that. Nothing seems to have been said when earlier in the year i was saying he was one of our best. I dont get praised for saying he is playing well even though i think hes a bit of a dickhead. Cant have it both ways.

Its not just the Panthers players though he's failed to use his strength to power through, he's not had the same impact phyically in attack for quite some time. Defensivley he is still hitting hard, but he's not hurting people in attack like he's done in the past.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Thats just stupid talk. I dont discriminate against players just because i don't like them as a person.
I was taking about him as a footballer.......

I never meant to insinuate there was a "personal" thing going on.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Defensivley he is still hitting hard, but he's not hurting people in attack like he's done in the past.

Fair....but harsh to say, he was very poor.

Those ***** were on us like flies on shit last night......you can try and use other games but.....
you'd be reaching.
Is he killing it?


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Fair....but harsh to say, he was very poor.

Those ***** were on us like flies on shit last night......you can try and use other games but.....
you'd be reaching.
Is he killing it?

I do think in recent weeks he's getting pushed back in tackles. I've been watching him since he was 17 or 18, playing against men as a kid, in that time and i cant ever recall seeing him driven back in tackles like he has recently. Its not people defending him thats where i think he's lacking ( i wouldn't be too critical of that against the better sides ) its he just seems to have lost the power in attack he had in the past.

Might be considered harsh to say he was very poor, even though i think he was, but for our elite strike center i expect more and i dont think thats wrong. I expect all our best players to stand up and perform.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Staggs doesn't look 100% to me, his runs lack the aggression of past years, he has been giving it a hard crack in defence but he also misses alot of jams lately that just open us up for a try, like the first one(though that was a double movement).


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Staggs doesn't look 100% to me, his runs lack the aggression of past years, he has been giving it a hard crack in defence but he also misses alot of jams lately that just open us up for a try, like the first one(though that was a double movement).

Staggs has been sensational in defence, the whole right side has been strong.

34%-11/32 right.
58% 18/32 left.
9% 3/32 middle

Seven is his most tries since 2020, two try assists is halfway to last year and more than 20 and 21 and equal with 19.

His 9 dummy- half runs is up and he's running more and making more ground.

(I know 20 and 21 were minimal games so it's a bit off to compare years.)

I think he's playnig some of his best football.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I agree Staggs is having a good year, his game is more complete, he might not be scoring the flashy try’s with big fends, but he’s not letting them in as much either. I do think we could probably improve in getting him the ball a bit deeper & giving him some room to do something. But I think our attack in the 20m has been pretty average for most of the season, & he’s not alone in not getting good ball.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I think the issue with Staggs is that while he seems a more rounded player now, he seems to have totally lost his ability to fend and beat players at will one on one. I think he is going well myself, just throwing that point out there.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I think the issue with Staggs is that while he seems a more rounded player now, he seems to have totally lost his ability to fend and beat players at will one on one. I think he is going well myself, just throwing that point out there.

I think he's been solid all year, just down on form the last few weeks.

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