Passion factor a myth

How about something a bit more recent? Or is that all you can think of in the last 15 years?

Is 2010 recent enough.

Ennis starts the fight & look where he ends up.


AP made it easier to see him.

I like the time when a NSWmen showed us what for & belted his own player.
I personally wish a QLDer would punch Rocky in the face.
If it helps, I'm sure Nashy would settle for a Victorian punching you instead.
I don't know how me wishing someone to cause you physical pain means I have a big ego, but I'm happy for everyone to think what they like about me. It's no skin off my nose.

Admin or not, I didn't break any rules, I don't have to like everyone here, and I won't pretend to like everyone here, especially someone who thinks it's ok to mock an injured player, and degrade the discussion for two months every year, then for the other 10 months, constantly complain about how the admins on the website are the ones causing the degradation of said website.

If I was a bad admin, I would do exactly what you used to do with me, and try and ban me every opportunity you got, but i don't, because it's a conflict of interest, and an abuse of the rights Coxy trusts me with.

I stand by my comments, especially in regard to you having no passion and no loyalty. Porthoz was right, you have big man syndrome, if it's not in your debates about Origin, it's your absolute hate that someone you tried so hard to ban as an admin, is now an admin and you are not.

For the sake of this thread, I'll let you know, I will not be commenting any further in this thread.

I'd also like to make it clear, my gut is far bigger than my ego. have you seen it? It's ****ing huge mate.
You didn't break any rules? Really? You had a personal dig at me wishing that someone would punch me in the head. You probably broke about 8 rules in one hit. If you didn't break any rules then sweet as, looks like its ok to wish injury on another poster. How professional.

It was Nashy's wish that someone punched you in the head.

It was a wish. (though some wishes come true) :haha:

So IMO no rules were broken.
Dear Rocky,

I curse and hope something slightly unpleasant happens to you, like an onion falling on your head.

Now, that's physical harm!
I've heard Jeza throws Rock around a bit anyway.

He often punches him in the head as well.
Furner on Webcke. White on Price.

Furners last origin was in 2000.....12 years ago lol. Wow, so recent. Notice I said "another" - since we were talking about white/price, naming white/price again doesn't really fit under the umbrella of "another". Please, name another - preferably from the last decade.
Luckily for QLD fighting has nothing to do with winning games of rugby league.

Whatever Beads. It's who wins the fight that matters. Forget about who wins 6 series in a row, NSW put Steve Price in a neck brace, and that's awesome. What do you think Justin Hodges?


BTW Rocky - the fact that you don't really care about winning the series and only care about winning a fight speaks volumes about your lack of passion.