Peter Wallace!!!

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The same people bagging him are the same people who were giving it to him last week when he set up a try and scored the ONLY other try himself.
broncospwn said:
The same people bagging him are the same people who were giving it to him last week when he set up a try and scored the ONLY other try himself.

broncospwn said:
The same people bagging him are the same people who were giving it to him last week when he set up a try and scored the ONLY other try himself.

Well, you can tell me I have 'NFI idea', etc, but I've provided reasoning behind my criticism and I feel it is just.
Coxy said:
Anyone who puts Wallace in their top 3 performers tonight is an absolute retard. Parker, Hoffman, Te'o, Gillett, Tronc, Kenny, hell even Winterstein were better.

Ever heard of something called an opinion?
If I'm a retard for voting on Wallace, you have the brain power of an amoeba just for that comment. :roll:
ningnangnong said:
broncospwn said:
The same people bagging him are the same people who were giving it to him last week when he set up a try and scored the ONLY other try himself.

Well, you can tell me I have 'NFI idea', etc, but I've provided reasoning behind my criticism and I feel it is just.
I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the "everything that's wrong in the world is Wallace's fault" gang.
audragon said:
Coxy said:
Anyone who puts Wallace in their top 3 performers tonight is an absolute retard. Parker, Hoffman, Te'o, Gillett, Tronc, Kenny, hell even Winterstein were better.

Ever heard of something called an opinion?
If I'm a retard for voting on Wallace, you have the brain power of an amoeba just for that comment. :roll:
Funnily enough Coxy was using the POTS votes as part of his anti-Wallace argument last week saying he didn't get much votes so he wasn't good yet when the table turns.....
broncospwn said:
ningnangnong said:
broncospwn said:
The same people bagging him are the same people who were giving it to him last week when he set up a try and scored the ONLY other try himself.

Well, you can tell me I have 'NFI idea', etc, but I've provided reasoning behind my criticism and I feel it is just.
I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the "everything that's wrong in the world is Wallace's fault" gang.

We cool then. 8-)
Leave the personal insults out of it, folks, or there will be lockings and/or bannings.
What has Ben Hunt done to achieve a guaranteed long term future with the Broncos? Seriously, when he was at halfback he offered us nothing more than a stuttering running game.

A lot of you are being irrational, Wallace has been disappointing this season BUT I wouldn't make a decision on his future until the time comes.

Watching it on the telly, I feel Wallace's biggest problem is that he talks himself out of his natural instincts. What I mean is, Wallace has a really good ability of taking on the line and evading defenders but often when he does this, instead of reacting to the situation, he'll stick to the original play which is no longer a viable option. I thought this was obvious tonight when he kept going for the inside pass to Hoffman where Wallace would beat a defender, but once he got past him, he'd go looking back inside to a man who was well covered instead of charging forward and either looking for some support to draw and pass to or by simply taking the tackle and going for a quick play the ball.

Looking on the bright side, I can't fault his effort or commitment. He took a heavy knock attempting a tackle and still played on. Hopefully the week off does him the world of good and he can turn his form around in the lead up to the finals.

As for best defensive halfback, I feel Hodkinson has him beat...but he's up there.
LOL! So the "bigger picture" means excusing shit performances from individual players because they tried hard right? Haha, very Labor of you.

Seriously...all I want is for Wallace to grow into the player he can be, but once again I remind BHQ that Wallace has only played about 12 very good games for the Broncos, and they have only come when everyone else has been going well.

You want your halfback to be playing well even when everyone else is out of form. He can then have the vision to make things happen still. Wallace doesn't have that form or vision. He second guesses himself. He doubts himself. His doubt is suffocating his teammates, it's infectious.

He needs to fix up his game, pronto. Nobody can argue with that.
That last comment isn't even true, Johns struggled without Bedsy beside him.
I'm not going to stick up Wallace's performance here, but at the same time I must say that I was fairly disappointed with Macca's service from dummy half in this game.

With experience he'll hopefully start to learn the importance of getting the pill out to the halves as soon as possible at certain times. Far too often he was just picking up the ball and running with it whilst thinking what he could do with it first, and then letting Wallace and/or Norman have a crack at running the play. At times the play broke down far too quickly when Wallace or Norman had possession (although these two certainly don't escape without blame here either).

I admire Macca's enthusiasm to get the most out of every play - that's great to see - but a good dummy half often knows whether to scoot/draw in defenders or get the ball away as quick as possible before he even puts his hands on the footy. For me that's one of his main problem areas at the moment that hopefully he'll improve on in time, and thus helping out the halves a little bit as well.
So when the Broncos and in particular Lockyer isn't playing well, it's because the team around him aren't giving him any support, yet when the Broncos and in particular Wallace aren't playing very well, it's all Wallace's fault?

There are 17 other guys in the team. If they aren't playing well, 1 man can't change that.

Yes, Wallace didn' have a particularly good game last night in terms of attack, but he got some terrible service from his other team mates. I find it laughable people question his commitment - he didn't stop trying all night.

I don't think Wallace is ever going to be a superstar, but he's more than adequate, one of the better halfbacks in the game, and certainly the best option the Broncos have at the moment.
Not one of Wallace's detractors have bothered to acknowledge that he was playing in a team that was by far the better side and was at the same time seriously weakened. They want me to believe that, as the halfback, he had nothing to do with this fact - not only that but he was so bad that the team went well in spite of him. They are also posting their "criticism" hours after a heartbreaking loss.
gUt said:
Not one of Wallace's detractors have bothered to acknowledge that he was playing in a team that was by far the better side and was at the same time seriously weakened. They want me to believe that, as the halfback, he had nothing to do with this fact - not only that but he was so bad that the team went well in spite of him. They are also posting their "criticism" hours after a heartbreaking loss.

Pretty sure a few of us (myself, ning, coxy) have had "criticisms" of wallace long before last night. The fact we were the far better side last night shouldve played into wallaces hands. We spent the ENTIRE second half of the game on the attack. Wests didnt actually get into our half until the final 7 minutes. Now, you're telling me we cant be critical of a halfback that, with all the field possession in the world, couldnt set up a try to save his life?

I keep hearing of this wonderful kicking game wallace apparently possesses. Correct me if im wrong, but most of his "attacking kicks" were just bombs. Every team does that (actually its getting sad how many sets of 6 end up with a bomb, esp at parramatta, but i digress) and its just a sign of not having a clue what to do and hoping for the best.

The only 1 attacking play i saw from him all last night (or for the last few months) has been that inside ball to hoffman, which is just as predictable as when locky and hunt used to try it. Hoffman got hammered every time they tried that last night.

The argument that wallace isnt the kind of player to take the game by the balls is ridiculous. You would like to think every halfback in the game could steer his side to a win if needed. Luke walsh, sandow, molzten, hornby, mortimer.... all these players arent flashy big name players, yet they are equally responsible as their halves partners in many games. Hornby, who no-one seems to rate, sets up a lot of saints tries, even tho the lil show pony soward is considered their strike weapon.

A halves role is to set up plays and tries, not purely be "organisational". Organizing something will only put in motion a plan, someone has to actually be prepared to execute it.
Don't forget the quality kick Wallace put in for the Benji Marshall try!!
Bucking Beads said:
Don't forget the quality kick Wallace put in for the Benji Marshall try!!

As much as id like to blame him for that.. some kicks just dont come off. That was more farahs good work than wallaces bad kick i think. Farah is the kid of player that makes things like that happen, look at his try saver at the other end of the field later in the game to see that.
Bucking Beads said:
Don't forget the quality kick Wallace put in for the Benji Marshall try!!

As much as id like to blame him for that.. some kicks just dont come off. That was more farahs good work than wallaces bad kick i think. Farah is the kid of player that makes things like that happen, look at his try saver at the other end of the field later in the game to see that.

Was a bit flukey from Farah but still a shit kick. Wallace had a million chances to put points on but failed yet again.
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