NEWS Pies poised to crush gossipmongers

Might see you on the news, whoever you are, shielding your face from the cameras as you try to make a discreet exit from court one day, having just been ordered to give all your worldly possessions to Seibold, of all people. Can't wait!

I'm guessing it was a rhetorical "you" aimed at those responsible. That's definitely not my gig.

Just saying it might pass before they find culprits, and it just drags the story on. It's an age-old story.

I'm not exactly sure what the rumours were, and I definitely understand the guy being upset, but I'd say his grief is entangled in a lot of other things along with this. I'm not sure finding the "culprits" will achieve other than taking his focus away from coaching and getting some vengeance.

Each to their own though.
I'm guessing it was a rhetorical "you" aimed at those responsible. That's definitely not my gig.

Just saying it might pass before they find culprits, and it just drags the story on. It's an age-old story.

I'm not exactly sure what the rumours were, and I definitely understand the guy being upset, but I'd say his grief is entangled in a lot of other things along with this. I'm not sure finding the "culprits" will achieve other than taking his focus away from coaching and getting some vengeance.

Each to their own though.

Nah wasn't aimed at you. Would not surprise me if it was an enraged bronco fan who did it, though. There seems to be a segment of fan which is of the same kind that stalks attractive actresses and gets way too invested in what is ultimately just entertainment designed to sell us beer and insurance.
"Average Joe sitting in his basement, police aren't going to be knocking on his door. "

Phew. We're safe boyos!

Edit, and an obligatory **** You Pies ...You Round Fat Fraudulent Piemuncher
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I'm guessing it was a rhetorical "you" aimed at those responsible. That's definitely not my gig.

Just saying it might pass before they find culprits, and it just drags the story on. It's an age-old story.

I'm not exactly sure what the rumours were, and I definitely understand the guy being upset, but I'd say his grief is entangled in a lot of other things along with this. I'm not sure finding the "culprits" will achieve other than taking his focus away from coaching and getting some vengeance.

Each to their own though.
I am extremely skeptical that anything concrete is going to come from upturning the great bucket of shit commonly known as the Internet. I can forsee Pies being led up a garden path by these cyber shysters.
"Average Joe sitting in his basement, police aren't going to be knocking on his door. "

Phew. We're safe boyos!

Edit, and an obligatory **** You Pies ...You Round Fat Fraudulent Piemuncher
How many basements are there even in Australia?

Perhaps I need to build one to start my rumors.
Seibold’s lawyer Dave Garratt:
“It’s quite unexpected. It’s not just random trolls,”
How many basements are there even in Australia?

Perhaps I need to build one to start my rumors.
Keep spelling rumours that way and you'll be Amerrrrrican! every house there has a basement for rumors!!
How many basements are there even in Australia?

Perhaps I need to build one to start my rumors.
Bit of a giveaway that came from a lawyer who trades in cliches. It'll be interesting to see what contrived bullshit's in their "dossier." Anyone expecting the "source" to be exposed by trawling social media crumbs is going to be sorely disappointed. As for getting in trouble for "spreading it," that's pretty much everyone who's heard of the Brisbane Broncos. If you haven't heard it from someone who knows someone who knows someone, you don't know anyone.

Unless the person who started it was dumb enough to put it on Instagram and leave it up.
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I'd say probably almost zero. The rumour had Oatesy involved, if only tangentially. I doubt any of the guys in the team would do that to him.

Oatesy was not involved in the ones I heard. In any case I do think it is possible.
Here we go, looks like they're itching for a stitching, based on circumstantial evidence:

“Have they been monitoring certain people over the last week or so? Yes, 100 per cent. By monitoring those people and their activity on line and social media, they have been able to track certain things from that. The minute it came out that there was cyber-people involved, someone shut down their account straight away — all their social media went pretty much black. They won’t tell me their name, but it went black. A prominent name.”


“I provided them with some more information — another avenue that Anthony wanted me to go down, and it makes a fair bit of sense. These guys know nothing about rugby league. I think there will be some surprises in there. Some of the stuff they told me that has occurred on line and over the past 36 hours, it makes sense. They have been monitoring people’s social media situations. The longer it runs, the more they get because people are talking and talking and talking. That’s why we haven’t pushed to have it by this date. We want as much information as possible.”

“There are two ways Anthony can go. He can go the civil path. He can decide to lay a formal complaint with police, that is the other way he can go. The report will say who generated the messages, who made the allegations and where they forwarded them on to. I can see some nervous people in the next 24 hours.”


I think the real culprits are twitter and Facebook . They are the ones that should be sued. Where is mechanism to stop fake bullshit being spread far and wide . If any of us had posted those images and wrote what I saw publically on twitter on this forum , this forum would be shut down and owners bankrupt .
I digress you have idiots who protest because they are anti vaccers/mask but they should be protesting against the likes of twitter and Facebook which is far more harmful
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I think the real culprits are twitter and Facebook . They are the ones that should be sued. Where is mechanism to stop fake bullshit being spread far and wide . If any of us had posted those images and wrote what I saw publically on twitter on this forum , this forum would be shut down and owners bankrupt .
I digress you have idiots who protest because they are anti vaccers/mask but they should be protesting against the likes of twitter and Facebook which is far more harmful
The real culprit is the way human beings are wired to get a dopamine hit from gossip. I blame God for that.
Pies is being led down a garden path. They still have to prove XYZ person was physically behind the keyboard at the time posting it, add to that, if a rumour was already in the public domain and well published, it is hard to criminally chase someone over defamation after this point. They would have to prove significantly beyond doubt that a single person started the rumour.

The curly part is, if theres slightly any truth to some of them, he cant do anything.
Pies is being led down a garden path. They still have to prove XYZ person was physically behind the keyboard at the time posting it, add to that, if a rumour was already in the public domain and well published, it is hard to criminally chase someone over defamation after this point. They would have to prove significantly beyond doubt that a single person started the rumour.

The curly part is, if theres slightly any truth to some of them, he cant do anything.
If it’s a civil court, the burden of proof is much less than criminal.