NEWS Pies poised to crush gossipmongers

What's the odds that it is a Broncos player that spread the rumours? I would say high.

Ive already heard one name this morning and its not someone from the club. And they are extremely high profile and not a coach gunning for the job either.
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Here we go, looks like they're itching for a stitching, based on circumstantial evidence:

“Have they been monitoring certain people over the last week or so? Yes, 100 per cent. By monitoring those people and their activity on line and social media, they have been able to track certain things from that. The minute it came out that there was cyber-people involved, someone shut down their account straight away — all their social media went pretty much black. They won’t tell me their name, but it went black. A prominent name.”

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“I provided them with some more information — another avenue that Anthony wanted me to go down, and it makes a fair bit of sense. These guys know nothing about rugby league. I think there will be some surprises in there. Some of the stuff they told me that has occurred on line and over the past 36 hours, it makes sense. They have been monitoring people’s social media situations. The longer it runs, the more they get because people are talking and talking and talking. That’s why we haven’t pushed to have it by this date. We want as much information as possible.”

“There are two ways Anthony can go. He can go the civil path. He can decide to lay a formal complaint with police, that is the other way he can go. The report will say who generated the messages, who made the allegations and where they forwarded them on to. I can see some nervous people in the next 24 hours.”

I think they are implying its sus that TPJ has a "new" instagram
If it’s a civil court, the burden of proof is much less than criminal.

Good luck proving anything beyond a personal verified Instagram account in civil court. There are about 10 grounds for defense in that situation before even looking at the reasons or motivations for defamation and assesing its damages. Its a long drawn out no win for Seibs.
Good luck proving anything beyond a personal verified Instagram account in civil court. There are about 10 grounds for defense in that situation before even looking at the reasons or motivations for defamation and assesing its damages. Its a long drawn out no win for Seibs.
Yeah but you’re not taking into account how truly dumb some people are.
Seibold may have already achieved what he wanted, he has pretty much been able to stop a rumor that was spiraling wildly out of control dead in its tracks and in a very short time.

No one has forgotten them, and there are still some questions that need to be addressed behind closed doors at the club.
Pies is being led down a garden path. They still have to prove XYZ person was physically behind the keyboard at the time posting it, add to that, if a rumour was already in the public domain and well published, it is hard to criminally chase someone over defamation after this point. They would have to prove significantly beyond doubt that a single person started the rumour.

The curly part is, if theres slightly any truth to some of them, he cant do anything.
Also big fucking deal, some bloke might've had sex with some woman and someone told someone else about it, and also that a bunch of people he works with don't even like him. Sounds pretty much like everywhere I've ever worked.
Seibold may have already achieved what he wanted, he has pretty much been able to stop a rumor that was spiraling wildly out of control dead in its tracks and in a very short time.
And yet here we are. Seibold's lawyer is the one spreading the rumours now.
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Could it be coming from a disgruntled NRL businessman. I am just wearing my Columbo or Cannon hat and maybe it could be a deregistered players agent. Just a thought
Yeah but you’re not taking into account how truly dumb some people are.
Speaking of which, if anyone should've been upset about the rumours it's Corey Oates. Instead of hiring a lawyer, and crying like a little girl, he hit the airwaves like a grown up, and fobbed it off with this:

“Yeah look it hasn’t been a great week personally also and for the club, a lot of rumours were getting around that were untrue and so farfetched it’s not a joke and I wasn’t happy with a few of them.”

And nothing more had to be said.
Well the plot thickens.. I had an image of Uncle Wayne furiously hitting delete on his keyboard in between sips of Shiraz accompanying his Spaghetti carbonara.

Wayne is still on windows XP and the last revision of Netscape browser.
Gossip girl Danny Weidler is "reluctant to buy into further rumours" BUT is eagerly spreading the rumour "someone in rugby league was behind the Seibold scandal:"

“The rumour is that somebody who has a role in rugby league is supposed to be involved in all of this messy business. I don’t know who’s got the time to bother doing this if they’ve got a significant role in the game or the motivation to try and upset the Seibold family in the way that it has done, obviously.”


Stay tuned for the SEIBOLD SCANDAL

“I find it interesting that all of this has become public. Because we’re seeing Anthony Seibold be the victim of trolling, now there’s a whispering campaign going on in the game about who may or may not have contributed or started these messages that were sent around everywhere. You hear things. I don’t want to put my finger on who may have started this because then I’m contributing to the whole situation. I find it unusual that Seibold is going down this path. Now that he has gone down this path, let’s hope he gets the result he’s after and let’s hope we know where this trolling actually began.”

Indeed Danny, XOXO!

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This is terrible coaching again by the way, all this will do is destabilise the team further (if that is possible) by now making everyone look at everyone else suspiciously.