Player Movements & Rumours 2010

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Yeah, it wasn't so much a problem with defensive positioning, more like the things you'd expect with kids that haven't fully developed physically:

- being bumped off in tackles/unable to finish them
- slowness to react after a break or half break to reset the defensive line

I don't think the Broncos' defensive pattern or tactics was bad in the U20s, just execution of tackles etc.
Prince Langer said:
[quote="sydney_bronco09":3q5dnbf2]The Australian understands Griffin will look after the defensive structures of the team

Does this not bother anyone else?

The U20's as a comp was horrible in defence. The attitude is all wrong. They give up too easily.
I am concerned if he is now the defence coach.[/quote:3q5dnbf2]

Under 20's is just a platform for the backs. More like 'let's just outscore em' rather than setting a good defensive platform to win the game. How many games have you seen in the last two years where it was 46-38 or something similar. Not an issue imo
Eorl Crabtree is looking at a move to the nrl and the titans are after him apparently. He would be a great player for us, big, strong, mobile and has a big impact off the bench.
And as much as I hate him I think we should go for Greg Bird as a ball playing lock. Gives us another attacking option and takes pressure off lockyer and wallace. Also will keep the players on their toes for fear of getting glassed haha.
Im ok with Greg bird if he is being paid bugger all, but isnt he going to the titans anyway?
I reckon joshobro's list of players we should go for would exceed an Excel spreadsheet.
Hmmm eusa_think aaagh, after much consideration I think I'll give the Bird signing a miss.
I'm interested in seeing how Scott Anderson goes for us...he's no Aiden Tolman, but he'll do. :D
There is a reason why Storm payed Anderson some ridiculous amount like 250k a year. He was showing great potential at one stage and maybe a new club and a better chance of playing first grade could bring that potential back out again. I'm not hoping for too much but It would be nice. :)
Wonder how long they've had the signature. Hardly think he's signed while in England.

Edit: Should have read the article first.
Jeba said:
I reckon joshobro's list of players we should go for would exceed an Excel spreadsheet.

Must be a small spreadsheet haha, Danny Williams, Eorl Crabtreee and Greg Bird. Woah that took ages to write all those players ;)
no to Crabtree, cant stand looking at that guy/girl
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