NEWS Plod Haas

It is. Leaves a longer lasting impression, I have found.
I saw some American police leave a lasting impression on an African American girl. She was sitting handcuffed behind her back in the backseat of the cruiser crying hysterically for her father and two police officers thought it appropriate to pepper spray her.

She was 9 years old. Yes, I know that's not your typical police action in Australia. Overwhelming majority of police are good people.
Congratulations. I hope they were charged.
Congratulations? They were but I think it wouldn't have resulted in a charge had there not been video.

video if you havent seen it yet

What a beat up. He didn’t even walk out due to the question about Haas. He walked out after 4 questions that he didn’t feel comfortable answering (1. QLD coach, 2. Haas, 3. Haas again, 4. Macca’s future), and asking multiple times to stick to the boxing, and the question he finally walked out on was about Macca.

Beautifully handled by Kev, and I loved watching Hodgos shit eating grin the whole time behind him.

On a side note, Kev’s media interactions are endearing but gee whiz he struggles to articulate himself.
What a beat up. He didn’t even walk out due to the question about Haas. He walked out after 4 questions that he didn’t feel comfortable answering (1. QLD coach, 2. Haas, 3. Haas again, 4. Macca’s future), and asking multiple times to stick to the boxing, and the question he finally walked out on was about Macca.

Beautifully handled by Kev, and I loved watching Hodgos shit eating grin the whole time behind him.

On a side note, Kev’s media interactions are endearing but gee whiz he struggles to articulate himself.
**** the media shits me. Kevie 'storms out' of press conference. Err, nup. He was polite and very cool, even a bit on the funny side so well done KW.
What a beat up. He didn’t even walk out due to the question about Haas. He walked out after 4 questions that he didn’t feel comfortable answering (1. QLD coach, 2. Haas, 3. Haas again, 4. Macca’s future), and asking multiple times to stick to the boxing, and the question he finally walked out on was about Macca.

Beautifully handled by Kev, and I loved watching Hodgos shit eating grin the whole time behind him.

On a side note, Kev’s media interactions are endearing but gee whiz he struggles to articulate himself.
Just on your last line I remember the earliest days when WB fronted the media, it wasn't pretty but he became Yoda Media over time. After a few horrible losses KW will grow a scab and be better for having his feet held to the fire.
Kev’s going to get eaten alive by the media this year. Especially if we go 0-4 or worse to start the season.
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Kev’s going to get eaten alive by the media this year. Especially if we go 0-4 or worse to start the season.
But you know what, I don't think it will matter because my feeling is that he does not give a **** about what the media says or what anyone says about him, as opposed to Seibold who seemed to take things to heart.
So no Haas, Milford or Staggs to start the season. Some bad thrashings could be in play.
On a side note, Kev’s media interactions are endearing but gee whiz he struggles to articulate himself.
I think that is probably the reason why Kevvie has missed out on coaching opportunities in the past.

When he was on fox he would throw out the cliche lines and basically say what he thought they wanted to hear and be a bit of a larrikin, but he wasnt great at getting across what he wanted to say regarding the tactics and what not, which made it appear like he struggled explaining the game.

I think 90% of coaching nowadays is man management so being a larrikin will help with that and it's likely he's much better at conveying the tactics through 1-on-1 coaching compared to what he was doing in the media.
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What a beat up. He didn’t even walk out due to the question about Haas. He walked out after 4 questions that he didn’t feel comfortable answering (1. QLD coach, 2. Haas, 3. Haas again, 4. Macca’s future), and asking multiple times to stick to the boxing, and the question he finally walked out on was about Macca.

Beautifully handled by Kev, and I loved watching Hodgos shit eating grin the whole time behind him.

On a side note, Kev’s media interactions are endearing but gee whiz he struggles to articulate himself.
That presser pisses me off, shows us what's wrong with reporter's. Why don't they shut the **** up
I'm now waiting for kevvie to pull out another trump catchphrase, fake news
But you know what, I don't think it will matter because my feeling is that he does not give a **** about what the media says or what anyone says about him, as opposed to Seibold who seemed to take things to heart.
You're on the money. Like everyone he cares(loonietunes aside) a lot and he's one of those people who is easily moved to tears but make no mistake, he's a hard nut. He's smart enough to have learned both from his time as the Bronco's leader and being WB's right hand man.

He knows exactly what the media is and it's up to us to defend against joining any witch hunt the media tries to whip up. We will hit some bumps this year no doubt but I think KW will handle it.
So no Haas, Milford or Staggs to start the season. Some bad thrashings could be in play.
I don't think so. Milford has been dreadful for the last two years, Haas has been okay but not spectacular and their performances can be replicated and in Milfords case, improved. Stagg is a loss but I don't see hidings in our future.


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