NEWS Plod Haas

That presser pisses me off, shows us what's wrong with reporter's. Why don't they shut the **** up
Because they need to write 500 words about something and "reporter annoys coach for the 1000th time" didn't fly with the editors
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But you know what, I don't think it will matter because my feeling is that he does not give a **** about what the media says or what anyone says about him, as opposed to Seibold who seemed to take things to heart.

Seibold just seemed so insecure and insincere and so far up himself it wasn't funny. It was such a weird mx and in hindsight, not surprising he crashed and burned so miserably.
Just on your last line I remember the earliest days when WB fronted the media, it wasn't pretty but he became Yoda Media over time. After a few horrible losses KW will grow a scab and be better for having his feet held to the fire.
I definitely don’t remember that but that’s interesting to learn. I’m sure Kev will improve as he goes, it’s not a knock though, I think it makes him seem more human and likeable.
If the overwhelming majority of police are good people, Paynes family wouldn't have been locked up obviously.
Depends on whether your family are a bunch of crooks of not I suppose, if they are there is an overwhelming chance your family will be locked up, you really need to stop bashing the police, you might be in a position where you need their help one day, just don't tell them your handle on BBHQ, they will most likey pepper spray you.
I loved watching Hodgos shit eating grin the whole time behind him.

Haha, I loved this. He utilised one of my favourite techniques - when you know you're about to crack and piss yourself laughing, just stare heaps hard at the ground and use every muscle in your body to not laugh. It's saved me in many situations. 😂
I definitely don’t remember that but that’s interesting to learn. I’m sure Kev will improve as he goes, it’s not a knock though, I think it makes him seem more human and likeable.
I hope he does not change too much, I find his honesty refreshing and like the fact that he is prepared to call out shit play.
I saw some American police leave a lasting impression on an African American girl. She was sitting handcuffed behind her back in the backseat of the cruiser crying hysterically for her father and two police officers thought it appropriate to pepper spray her.

She was 9 years old. Yes, I know that's not your typical police action in Australia. Overwhelming majority of police are good people.

Congratulations? They were but I think it wouldn't have resulted in a charge had there not been video.
Well the thing about the justice system is you need evidence, even when you want police charged. The rules are exactly the same for all defendants, even those who happen to to be sworn police officers...
Depends on whether your family are a bunch of crooks of not I suppose, if they are there is an overwhelming chance your family will be locked up, you really need to stop bashing the police, you might be in a position where you need their help one day, just don't tell them your handle on BBHQ, they will most likey pepper spray you.
We use Oleoresin Capsicum spray (gel really now...) to be precise... 😂
Well for what its worth, i think you lot do a great job under really brutal circumstances.
Cheers mate. It’s easy for morons like Haas to blame us. But did we convict his father? Did we sentence him? Do we hold his father in custody?

We literally do none of those things, but it’s still “all” the police‘s fault apparently...

Certainly not his own father’s actual offending, for instance that put him in the bin...
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Well the thing about the justice system is you need evidence, even when you want police charged. The rules are exactly the same for all defendants, even those who happen to to be sworn police officers...
Don't misunderstand me but I am a strong supporter of the standard of policing in Australia. I taught my son respect for the police and he learned the lesson. It's a tough job and wages they receive aren't enough to encourage me to recommend to anyone a career in policing. Besides, cops never have any friends 🤣...other than other cops!!
Kev not caring about the media is straight out of the Bennett play book. All he needs is some wins so the media find another victim (which is looking like Griffin as first cab off the rank)

There are not going to be very many wins this year.


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