NEWS Plod Haas

Cheers mate. It’s easy for morons like Haas to blame us. But did we convict his father? Did we sentence him? Do we hold his father in custody?

We literally do none of those things, but it’s still “all” the police‘s fault apparently...

Certainly not his own father’s actual offending, for instance that put him in the bin...
Sorry to be the stick in the mud but you guys aren't all the innocent old lady helping, kitten in the tree saving heros alot of people seem to think . Make no mistake there's alot of good ones but there's also alot of corrupt peices of shit that wear the badge. I know my comments might rub people up the wrong way but the boys in blue are not all heros , so he may not be a moron but just has had bad experiences with certain ones.
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Don't misunderstand me but I am a strong supporter of the standard of policing in Australia. I taught my son respect for the police and he learned the lesson. It's a tough job and wages they receive aren't enough to encourage me to recommend to anyone a career in policing. Besides, cops never have any friends 🤣...other than other cops!!
Coming from a long line of coppers, although not one myself, I can assure you they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, never met a bad copper in my life, treat them with respect as you should, and you will be treated the same, keep this Australian not American, whole new ball game over there
Sorry to be the stick in the mud but you guys aren't all the innocent old lady helping, kitten in the tree saving heros alot of people seem to think . Make no mistake there's alot of good ones but there's also alot of corrupt peices of shit that wear the badge. I know my comments might rub people up the wrong way but the boys in blue are not all heros , so he may not be a moron but just has had bad experiences with certain ones.
Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Fish swimming amongst sharks’: Why so many police are quitting the force.

That being said I've had nothing but good experiences with cops so it's just a matter of who you run into. Plenty of dickheads in every industry. A lot of it would come down to the culture from the top down but I think Australian cops are definitely amongst the best in the world comparatively.
Sorry to be the stick in the mud but you guys aren't all the innocent old lady helping, kitten in the tree saving heros alot of people seem to think . Make no mistake there's alot of good ones but there's also alot of corrupt peices of shit that wear the badge. I know my comments might rub people up the wrong way but the boys in blue are not all heros , so he may not be a moron but just has had bad experiences with certain ones.
When you deal with absolute pieces of shit 9 to 5 most days it wears thin on our constabulary, but they get up and face it again the next day, my eldest brother topped himself because it got to him and thats fucken sad, particularly for his wife and kids, you can pick a particular instance if you like and make the police look bad, but generally only people that think they are above the law will relate to it, police are there for a reason and that is to enforce the law that is made by the Government of the time, some prick that thinks he can do what he wants in society without any pushback won't understand this, because, he is a worthless piece of shit. When you or your family need the police, who ya gunna call GHOSTBUSTERS. Mostly the police are good people, some bend the rules, but thats how it is, some criminals bend the rules as well, police aren't saints, but they are essential to society, you won't agree I know, because you can't.
Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Fish swimming amongst sharks’: Why so many police are quitting the force.

That being said I've had nothing but good experiences with cops so it's just a matter of who you run into. Plenty of dickheads in every industry. A lot of it would come down to the culture from the top down but I think Australian cops are definitely amongst the best in the world comparatively.
No doubt they are , and we are very lucky for that. But I've seen some bad shit from quite a few, most was more than 20 years ago but left a lasting impression.
When you deal with absolute pieces of shit 9 to 5 most days it wears thin on our constabulary, but they get up and face it again the next day, my eldest brother topped himself because it got to him and thats fucken sad, particularly for his wife and kids, you can pick a particular instance if you like and make the police look bad, but generally only people that think they are above the law will relate to it, police are there for a reason and that is to enforce the law that is made by the Government of the time, some prick that thinks he can do what he wants in society without any pushback won't understand this, because, he is a worthless piece of shit. When you or your family need the police, who ya gunna call GHOSTBUSTERS. Mostly the police are good people, some bend the rules, but thats how it is, some criminals bend the rules as well, police aren't saints, but they are essential to society, you won't agree I know, because you can't.
I get it i do and I'm sorry about your brother, but the one's that thought they were above the law were in fact the cops in my situation. The fact i was a kid is why it left an impression on me . Your absolutely correct that they are essential in society but I don't have to kiss there arses because they do a certain job. I go by the saying of " treat people the way you like to be treated " if they don't treat you well, **** em.
I get it i do and I'm sorry about your brother, but the one's that thought they were above the law were in fact the cops in my situation. The fact i was a kid is why it left an impression on me . Your absolutely correct that they are essential in society but I don't have to kiss there arses because they do a certain job. I go by the saying of " treat people the way you like to be treated " if they don't treat you well, **** em.
I am actually impressed with your reply, fully understand your stance, I did expect a volcanic response, thankyou
My uncle is a copper and I can tell you he’d be a right prick for the sake of it.

I’ve only ever had to deal with traffic cops, but I can understand why they all have such a generally no-nonsense nature. Let your guard down to the wrong person and they’ll take you for a ride.

The problem they face is for every good cop there’s about 5 arsehole cops, and we all know a negative experience will illicit a much stronger and long-lasting reaction than a positive one, no matter what it is.
Sorry to be the stick in the mud but you guys aren't all the innocent old lady helping, kitten in the tree saving heros alot of people seem to think . Make no mistake there's alot of good ones but there's also alot of corrupt peices of shit that wear the badge. I know my comments might rub people up the wrong way but the boys in blue are not all heros , so he may not be a moron but just has had bad experiences with certain ones.
There are 11,000 police in Qld currently and off the top of my head, in my 22 years I don’t think even one of them, has been convicted or found guilty of official corruption... FYI.

Not one.

Police aren’t perfect, but we are recruited from society at large and there are elements that reflect the society from which we are drawn, yes. Can you honestly expect anything different?

Can you name a profession that meets this “perfect” standard?
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When you deal with absolute pieces of shit 9 to 5 most days it wears thin on our constabulary, but they get up and face it again the next day, my eldest brother topped himself because it got to him and thats fucken sad, particularly for his wife and kids, you can pick a particular instance if you like and make the police look bad, but generally only people that think they are above the law will relate to it, police are there for a reason and that is to enforce the law that is made by the Government of the time, some prick that thinks he can do what he wants in society without any pushback won't understand this, because, he is a worthless piece of shit. When you or your family need the police, who ya gunna call GHOSTBUSTERS. Mostly the police are good people, some bend the rules, but thats how it is, some criminals bend the rules as well, police aren't saints, but they are essential to society, you won't agree I know, because you can't.
I don't know about that, I'm generally law-abiding but every non-trivial encounter I've had with the cops has been negative. I feel for you and your family with what happened to your brother but there are reasons why some of us don't have a shining view of the force. When I needed the police they've done **** all to help or been actively unhelpful. Me and a mate got flogged by a few racists, when the coppers turned up after the guys who assaulted us had legged it they refused to take a formal statement and told us they knew who these blokes were and if they got bashed later on that night we'd be on the hook for it.

When a NSW copper got caught on camera throwing a teenage aboriginal fella to the ground, or they get caught bashing the shit out of a handcuffed bloke in the station carpark and fire and charge the whistle-blower but none of the coppers involved in the assault, or any of the other times cops break the rules and get away with it, that doesn't help anyone. When the "good" cops turn a blind eye, when management look after the cops at the expense of the public they allegedly protect, that demeans and drags down the entire institution. When the institution closes ranks to protect criminals if they've got a badge, it's not a surprise that guys like Haas can be raised to believe cops are the enemy.
I don't know about that, I'm generally law-abiding but every non-trivial encounter I've had with the cops has been negative. I feel for you and your family with what happened to your brother but there are reasons why some of us don't have a shining view of the force. When I needed the police they've done **** all to help or been actively unhelpful. Me and a mate got flogged by a few racists, when the coppers turned up after the guys who assaulted us had legged it they refused to take a formal statement and told us they knew who these blokes were and if they got bashed later on that night we'd be on the hook for it.

When a NSW copper got caught on camera throwing a teenage aboriginal fella to the ground, or they get caught bashing the shit out of a handcuffed bloke in the station carpark and fire and charge the whistle-blower but none of the coppers involved in the assault, or any of the other times cops break the rules and get away with it, that doesn't help anyone. When the "good" cops turn a blind eye, when management look after the cops at the expense of the public they allegedly protect, that demeans and drags down the entire institution. When the institution closes ranks to protect criminals if they've got a badge, it's not a surprise that guys like Haas can be raised to believe cops are the enemy.
My problem with that sort of nonsense (no offence personally - I‘m referring to the allegations) is what I was referring to earlier. Certain people love to come on here and elsewhere and tell me all about their rights and ho hum, as if I’m not far better acquainted with what those rights are than most, given I’m the one that has say those lines every time I want to question someone...

You seem to forget that police who get charged are in the exact same boat. Defendants don’t get convicted based on a 5 second video snippet shown on the news and if someone doesn’t, there must therefore be a ‘cover up’ in place? This line of thinking is so ridiculously ignorant it’s laughable. Is this the same news that are constantly bagged for their inaccuracy on NRL reporting?

If anyone here besides myself, has been investigated by the Crime and Corruption Commission, I’m sure you’ll agree...

Allegations made against us are investigated far more thoroughly than most could possibly imagine. Even non-criminal investigations, usually drag on for years and unlike normal members of society, when being investigated we do NOT have the right to silence. In fact we get charged if we DON’T answer questions...

and even when the allegations against us are provably false, or even maliciously made, which happens regularly, our records of these are not expunged, we are never “cleared” of these allegations, ’non-substantiated’ is the best we ever get...

So when I said earlier you might be amazed at how little I care about the opinion of people I arrest? Above is partly the reason why. They ‘don’t even know’ what they ’don’t know’ when it comes to this stuff, yet they “know” the police are at fault...

As for the ideas of Haas, I call him a moron because if he truly believes it is the police’s fault his father or his mother or whoever is in jail, then that is the only word to describe him. They are in jail, because they have committed and been convicted of serious, violent or lengthy (over many years) list of offending AND all other options including parole or probation, fines, community service, suspended sentences, fine option orders, no convictions and so on, haven’t been enough to get the message through. You simply don‘t go to prison for any other reason in Qld.

With criminal history’s pages long, people still try and say they are hard done by... Lol. Usually they have been given more chances than any reasonable person would even consider appropriate...
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My problem with that sort of nonsense (no offence personally - I‘m referring to the allegations) is what I was referring to earlier. Certain people love to come on here and elsewhere and tell me all about their rights and ho hum, as if I’m not far better acquainted with what those rights are than most, given I’m the one that has say those lines every time I want to question someone...

You seem to forget that police who get charged are in the exact same boat. Defendants don’t get convicted based on a 5 second video snippet shown on the news and if they someone don’t, therefore there must be a ‘cover up’ in place? This line of thinking is so ridiculously ignorant it’s laughable.

If anyone here besides myself, has been investigated by the Crime and Corruption Commission, I’m sure you’ll agree...

Allegations made against us are investigated far more thoroughly than most could possibly imagine. Even non-criminal investigations, usually drag on for years and unlike normal members of society, when being investigated we do NOT have the right to silence. In fact we get charged if we DON’T answer questions...

and even when the allegations against us are provably false, or even maliciously made, which happens regularly, our records of these are not expunged, we are never “cleared” of these allegations, ’non-substantiated’ is the best we ever get...

So when I said earlier you might be amazed at how little I care about the opinion of people I arrest? Above is partly the reason why. They ‘don’t even know’ what they ’don’t know’ when it comes to this stuff, yet they “know” the police are at fault...
What sort of nonsense would you categorise my specific experiences as? And if your response to both personal experiences and documented cases of abuse are to handwave them away citing the CCC's ability to compel testimony and your own personal experiences as overriding that, don't be terribly surprised to see that people care little for your opinions either. The public perception, rightful or otherwise, of cops sticking up other cops isn't exactly diminished by cops telling people who've had bad experiences with cops that it's all nonsense and you don't care what they think anyway.
There are 11,000 police in Qld currently and off the top of my head, in my 22 years I don’t think even one of them, has been convicted or found guilty of official corruption... FYI.

Not one.

Police aren’t perfect, but we are recruited from society at large and there are elements that reflect the society from which we are drawn, yes. Can you honestly expect anything different?

Can you name a profession that meets this “perfect” standard?
Things have definitely changed from what they were in this State 40-60 years ago, there was definitely a lot of corruption both with the police and the government.
Just re-watched this series for about the 5th time. I don't know what it is but it just fucking gets me.
Recently finished my 25th full series rewatch, it’s my favourite show of all time.


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