NEWS Plod Haas

alexutting on twitter is the GCB chief crime reporter following it. Says he plead guilty to offensive language and intimidating police.
I think the fact he's plead guilty should basically force the NRL's hand to act. Just because the Court didn't hand down a formal punishment, doesn't mean it isn't serious enough to warrant NRL sanction which often occurs for far less serious matters.

Sorry to say it but I think he's definitely looking at a spell now.
needs to smarten up and quick.
**** this guy. I’m off him.

I never thought I would say this but I am not against losing Staggs, TPJ and Haas if it results in a massive and needed attitude change. I am sick of our club being held to ransom by morons. Yeah the club may look worse on paper but look at the results from last year, it can't get much worse off paper anyway. Start afresh with blokes who are good characters, love the club and can do basic human decency like not treat fans / real people with contempt.
I’m not defending Haas but has anything new been stated here that made you react this way? I’m legit not sure if I missed something.

Telling cops to suck his dick, including a female cop and he was going to " take Youse all out " amongst other things. NRL have no choice imo but to drop the ban hammer onto him. He's a tool.
I never thought I would say this but I am not against losing Staggs, TPJ and Haas if it results in a massive and needed attitude change. I am sick of our club being held to ransom by morons. Yeah the club may look worse on paper but look at the results from last year, it can't get much worse off paper anyway. Start afresh with blokes who are good characters, love the club and can do basic human decency like not treat fans / real people with contempt.
If we lose with a bunch of players I like then it’s fine, I can deal with that. Losing with a bunch of fuckwits that I can’t get behind is even worse.

My sister is a police officer and knowing she’s out there with fuckwits like this threatening them isn’t a great thought. @theshed one of the quotes he said was something along the lines of “you think I won’t touch you just because you’re a woman?”
Telling cops to suck his dick, including a female cop and he was going to " take Youse all out " amongst other things. NRL have no choice imo but to drop the ban hammer onto him. He's a tool.
Where are these quotes coming from?
Look, he's said what he said, and no reasonable person could accept or condone it. It's appalling behaviour under any circumstances and he absolutely deserves to be and obviously will be substantially punished.

In terms of Haas overall, I'm a believer in weighing up the good against the bad and also considering the big picture in these sort of circumstances. This is obviously not his first infraction, and that needs to be acknowledged, but he's also done plenty of good things for the club on field and no doubt off it too that obviously we don't get to see. In terms of the big picture, he's also suffered what can only be described as a devastating personal loss this year. Losing a sibling in a family like his at an age like his can honestly de-rail a person's entire life. If that happened to Payne he would not be the first and certainly won't be the last. I wouldn't in any way excuse his behaviour in light of this grief and suffering, but it certainly does help put it in some context and perhaps explain what may have lead him up to this point.

I'm not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater and I think 'fucking him off' is not only bad for the Broncos, it's also bad for Haas himself and probably a dereliction in our duty of care to him as our employee. The man obviously needs help, and I mean serious help in dealing with whatever he's going through. If we as a football club are genuinely not in a place to provide that to him or to put him in touch with people who can, then even amongst all our other failings this past couple of years, I'd seriously consider that to be just about our worst.

He needs to be punished for his actions, but he also needs to be offered support and a chance to work on himself and the things that may have set this all off. If he can demonstrate a willingness to work on himself and take that support, then after he has served his punishment he deserves a chance to redeem himself, because isn't that what our entire justice system is supposed to be all about?

Just to be clear, I'll say it again, what he did was absolutely unacceptable and deserves a serious punishment to reflect that. However, part of that time on the side lines serving that punishment should be about making amends to the people he's wronged, both the victims and also his employer who he's now let down, as well as working on himself to get to the bottom of what is causing these issues. If he can do this sincerely and thoroughly, then I think Payne has more than enough runs on the board at the Broncos to be deserving of a chance to make things right again and repay that faith.
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He had a change of lawyer between the mention and the sentencing as well. He has done all that he can to mitigate the situation by making a personal apology to the police involved, but I think he is going to cop a suspension as well, maybe partially suspended.
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Look, he's said what he said, and no reasonable person could accept or condone it. It's appalling behaviour under any circumstances and he absolutely deserves to be and obviously will be substantially punished.

In terms of Haas overall, I'm a believer in weighing up the good against the bad and also considering the big picture in these sort of circumstances. This is obviously not his first infraction, and that needs to be acknowledged, but he's also done plenty of good things for the club on field and no doubt off it too that obviously we don't get to see. In terms of the big picture, he's also suffered what can only be described as a devastating personal loss this year. Losing a sibling in a family like his at an age like his can honestly de-rail a person's entire life. If that happened to Payne he would not be the first and certainly won't be the last. I wouldn't in any way excuse his behaviour in light of this grief and suffering, but it certainly does help put it in some context and perhaps explain what may have lead him up to this point.

I'm not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater and I think 'fucking him off' is not only bad for the Broncos, it's also bad for Haas himself and probably a dereliction in our duty of care to him as our employee. The man obviously needs help, and I mean serious help in dealing with whatever he's going through. If we as a football club are genuinely not in a place to provide that to him or to put him in touch with people who can, then even amongst all our other failings this past couple of years, I'd seriously consider that to be just about our worst.

He needs to be punished for his actions, but he also needs to be offered support and a chance to work on himself and the things that may have set this all off. If he can demonstrate a willingness to work on himself and take that support, then after he has served his punishment he deserves a chance to redeem himself, because isn't that what our entire justice system is supposed to be all about?

Just to be clear, I'll say it again, what he did was absolutely unacceptable and deserves a serious punishment to reflect that. However, part of that time on the side lines serving that punishment should be about making amends to the people he's wronged, both the victims and also his employer who he's now let down, as well as working on himself to get to the bottom of what is causing these issues. If he can do this sincerely and thoroughly, then I think Payne has more than enough runs on the board at the Broncos to be deserving of a chance to make things right again and repay that faith.

I'd like to think he can turn himself around, but I've got this gut feeling he is just going to be a bit of a trouble magnet and this won't be the last incident we see from him.
It isn't a good look but his first Offence in 2019 was out of his control, and basically he got in shit for not exposing his family to shit they did not him.

No excuses for this, but its not worth tossing literally our best player for some words.
It isn't a good look but his first Offence in 2019 was out of his control, and basically he got in shit for not exposing his family to shit they did not him.

No excuses for this, but its not worth tossing literally our best player for some words.

Don't forget he got caught txting while driving without a qualified driver on an disqualified learners license.
Don't forget he got caught txting while driving without a qualified driver on an disqualified learners license.
Ah, guess I did forget that, yeah it's not really adding up to someone that is fully a victim of circumstance then.
Ah, guess I did forget that, yeah it's not really adding up to someone that is fully a victim of circumstance then.

I honestly don't know what to make of him these days. A tough upbringing doesn't really help, but he needs to learn from his mistakes now if he wants to be better.
I honestly don't know what to make of him these days. A tough upbringing doesn't really help, but he needs to learn from his mistakes now if he wants to be better.
This is what occurred, from the court transcripts I believe, even threatened to bash the female police officer ,nice hey!

The details of the spray Broncos prop Payne Haas directed at NSW Police can be revealed after the forward was handed a two-year good behaviour bond for intimidating officers.​

Crucially, no conviction was recorded by the court after Haas was arrested on 16 January for abusing and intimidating police at Tweed Heads while with his pregnant partner Leilani Mohenoa.

A second count of intimidating police was withdrawn by NSW Police on Thursday and Haas pleaded guilty to the single charge.

When asked for ID by officers while at Tweed Heads, Haas replied “F**k the ID, I don’t need to give you ID. You got a badge on you and you think you’re a f**king tough c**t. You put my family in jail you c**ts.

He told one of the officers: “Don’t come near me bro, I’ll f **king jab ya, on my mother’s life I will.

“Get the f**k out of here bro, get the f**k out of my face or I’ll take all of you on myself you f**kwits.”

Haas looked at the female officer and said: “Why you looking at me like that? Cause you’re a woman? Cause you’re a woman and you think that I won’t touch ya?”

The NSW Origin prop arrived at Tweed Heads Courthouse alongside family members and his partner.

In his client’s defence, Dave Garratt argued the NRL star should not receive a conviction owing to the punishments which would be handed down by the NRL.

He argued that Haas had shown remorse and said sorry to officers.

He also explained that Haas had endured a difficult upbringing with both of his parents serving time in jail and told the court: “Rugby league is his saviour.”

In a statement from the Broncos, Haas said: “I take full responsibility for what happened and I’m extremely sorry for my actions on that night.

“I have gone to see the police officers involved and offered them a full apology for my conduct, as well as spending time with police going through what I did.

“I had been drinking and the words I used and the way I acted were totally unacceptable. I’d like to thank the police for taking the time to see me, and accepting my apology.

“I did the wrong thing and let myself down as well as my family and the club – but most importantly, I acted in way that showed disrespect to the police, and I am really sorry for that.

“I will learn from this incident and I will be a better person in the future.”

The NRL integrity unit is yet to hand down any sanction.

Haas has previously been stood down by the Broncos owing to off-field incidents. .

The Kangaroos prop missed the first four games of the 2019 season and fined $10,000 after he failed to co-operate with the integrity unit surrounding an incident at a junior football game.


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