NEWS Plod Haas

I mean, how hard is it to go out on a Saturday night, grab a bite to eat, have a few drinks, and NOT get into a fight or cause some sort of unnecessary drama with the police? Its not fucking hard. I/vast majority of us achieve this simple goal each weekend. Footy players? They really are a special kind of stupid aren't they.
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I wouldn't describe it as acceptable however we are all in some aspects products of our environment. My parents raised me to speak politely and keep my cool but perhaps Payne's role models took a somewhat different view. If that's the case I think a more appropriate and effective approach would be a moderate suspension and mentoring to assist him in developing values and behaviours more in line with community standards. Much like with Lodge, everyone in this case might be better served by looking not just to punishment but rehabilitation and improvement.

Between this and the licence thing it does strike me perhaps he wasn't given the best role models growing up. And while it's not accept it's understandable at some level to harbour a resentment towards the institution who, from your point of view, took your parent/s away.
You were obviously raised by good people abashii, and I take your point to some extent, however I know guys that were shat by crows and hatched by the sun and left to fend for themselves, and they still manage to have respect for others and know what is and isn't acceptable, but to all intents and purposes you are correct, we are generally products of our environment, the whole apology thing is just a PR stunt and Payne Haas knows it, whether or not suspension is going to help I am not so sure now, besides if my employer said to me, listen you are suspended for six weeks on full pay, I probably would spend it fishing and not see it as a punishment.
I find it typical that he’s a fucking cat on the field for us but big tough guy to cops with a filthy mouth.

Take a leaf out of your buddy carrigans book and grow the **** up, DICK HEAD.

I might add he loves to hang out with “latrine” Mitchell..... we have players in this squad with GIANT character flaws.

Sort it out Kevvie!
He's got a job in front of him hey, board probably has one of his arms tied behind his back as well, one thing for sure, successful or not Kev won't make any excuses or go out with the missus, get pissed and threaten to bash a policewoman
He's got a job in front of him hey, board probably has one of his arms tied behind his back as well, one thing for sure, successful or not Kev won't make any excuses or go out with the missus, get pissed and threaten to bash a policewoman
I have full faith in Kevie to sort it out.
Some people must have been brought up living under rocks , the way they carry on.
He needs to be hit in the pocket and slap him with a TPJ type sanction.
The guy has been through some shit and obviously doesn't like cops because of his parents history, the club needs to give him the help and support he needs.
They also need to shorten the leash and give him some strict rules to follow.
I really believe that kids are getting worse and things like this are going to be a common accurance
He seems to have a real chip on his shoulder about the police. I somehow doubt his parents went to jail for no reason.

This. The cops are just doing their job and making sure people abide by the laws that ALL of us are bound by. I can understand that, as a kid, he probably saw the authorities as the "bad guys" who were taking his parent(s) away. Which makes it hard, because for him to see that the cops were just doing their job, he needs to realise that his parents were the ones in the wrong. That would be made even harder if, like a lot of families that end up like this, the parents never showed any remorse, just blamed the cops.
Correct answer. Suspensions are bullshit, only the club suffers. Cut his pay, that's what is real punishment. 50k fine, half suspended for 24 months.
Bear in mind that Payne's bad attitude is because he's been raised by graduates of Con College who see cops as adversaries who are trying to persecute them. It's an "us" vs "them" mentality and it's ingrained. They really hate cops.

That's why making him spend time with cops is the perfect punishment. If it was ex-cop White's idea, then credit is due.

On the other hand, meting him out a savage punishment over and above the court, merely compounds his working theory that cops did this to him, and it won't make him feel better about them. It's what cops do to blokes like him. That's why he hates them.

A lot of the guys here want blood, and the club will want to deliver that blood to feed that bloodlust, but that's not necessarily going to fix his attitude.
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Bear in mind that Payne's bad attitude is because he's been raised by graduates of Con College who see cops as adversaries who are trying to persecute them. It's an "us" vs "them" mentality and it's ingrained. They really hate cops.

That's why making him spend time with cops is the perfect punishment. If it was ex-cop White's idea, then credit is due.

On the other hand, meting him out a savage punishment over and above the court, merely compounds his working theory that cops did this to him, and it won't make him feel better about them. It's what cops do to blokes like him. That's why he hates them.

A lot of the guys here want blood, and the club will want to deliver that blood to feed that bloodlust, but that's not necessarily going to fix his attitude.
How would you handle it? It's a fine line, he's gotta fully understand what he did is well and truly disgusting and needs to grow up.

Is the one day with cops and a personal apology to them good enough?
Walters has stormed out of a press conference when probed about Haas:

“I think we’ll stick to what we’re talking about here, I’ll leave that one alone. I can (avoid it), I can just say no. I’ll talk about it in an appropriate environment. We’re not here to talk about any of those things. We’re here to talk about the boxing.”

"The boxing is great, it’s going to be a fun night. I won’t be able to go to Townsville but it will be nice to watch it from home.”

“I won’t make any comment about the new Origin coach. I’m happy for Greeny to get the job. I’m sure he’ll do a great job.”

Asking about Macca's future was the final straw:

“Hah, thanks for your time this afternoon."


Assistant Terry Matterson to the rescue:

“I’d say the next step now is for the NRL to look at this. I haven’t known Payne for too long but what I have seen, he is a quality young man. There isn’t much to Payne, he just loves playing footy and he is very disappointed with what’s happened. He has owned up to it and whatever happens, we will deal with that. We are hopeful of having him for the first game of the year.”

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How would you handle it? It's a fine line, he's gotta fully understand what he did is well and truly disgusting and needs to grow up.

Is the one day with cops and a personal apology to them good enough?
Gee I don't know if I could Blackboard Jungle this guy, but I see his problem as cultural - his upbringing - and you either have to replace that culture with the club culture or you have to remove his culture from your club before it metastasizes. Like we did with Jimmy the Jet.

Punishment doesn't always work with these guys. It plays into their persecution mentality, and the club becomes "the Man." Which is the opposite of what you want. I don't have answer, but the solution lies within his peers.
I think where off-field incidents are concerned, the NRL or Integrity folks should decide on the number of weeks suspension, and the club does not pay the player for the missed weeks.
The club doesn't become the enemy because they have not made a decision, they have simply followed the rules.
It also brings consistency and fairness across the clubs, in theory.
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Bear in mind that Payne's bad attitude is because he's been raised by graduates of Con College who see cops as adversaries who are trying to persecute them. It's an "us" vs "them" mentality and it's ingrained. They really hate cops.

That's why making him spend time with cops is the perfect punishment. If it was ex-cop White's idea, then credit is due.

On the other hand, meting him out a savage punishment over and above the court, merely compounds his working theory that cops did this to him, and it won't make him feel better about them. It's what cops do to blokes like him. That's why he hates them.

A lot of the guys here want blood, and the club will want to deliver that blood to feed that bloodlust, but that's not necessarily going to fix his attitude.

The more i think about it, i think he needs a little bit of everything this time around. NRL suspension. Broncos should fine him to hit him in the pocket and he should spend some serious time with the police. He is lucky he wasnt convicted in all honesty. Lets not forget as well, its his third incident in 4 years and thats not including his time in bali with Fifita. He needs to get on the straight and narrow and get his act together.
The more i think about it, i think he needs a little bit of everything this time around. NRL suspension. Broncos should fine him to hit him in the pocket and he should spend some serious time with the police. He is lucky he wasnt convicted in all honesty. Lets not forget as well, its his third incident in 4 years and thats not including his time in bali with Fifita. He needs to get on the straight and narrow and get his act together.
Yes, consider what Payne did was "assaulting a police officer."

"Under s 245 of the Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld), assault is any non-consensual threat or actual striking, touching or application of force. Common assault is a form of unlawful assault and makes verbal abuse, threats of violence and other assault causing minor or non-lasting injuries, a misdemeanour."
I think where off-field incidents are concerned, the NRL or Integrity folks should decide on the number of weeks suspension, and the club does not pay the player for the missed weeks.
The club doesn't become the enemy because they have not made a decision, they have simply followed the rules.
It also brings consistency and fairness across the clubs, in theory.

You're assuming the NRL would be consistent across the board with all clubs. We know that doesn't happen with us.
You're assuming the NRL would be consistent across the board with all clubs. We know that doesn't happen with us.
No I'm's what I meant when I added "in theory"
The more i think about it, i think he needs a little bit of everything this time around. NRL suspension. Broncos should fine him to hit him in the pocket and he should spend some serious time with the police. He is lucky he wasnt convicted in all honesty. Lets not forget as well, its his third incident in 4 years and thats not including his time in bali with Fifita. He needs to get on the straight and narrow and get his act together.
Suspension and fine but I also think they should get him doing some community service work with PCYC groups. Through this he sees the positive work that the cops do with the community and it would be great for the kids in these groups to have an nrl player involved.


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