NEWS Plod Haas

Terry Matterson has said, "we are hopeful of having him for the first game of the year," so maybe we'll only suspend him if the NRL tells us we have to.
Terry Matterson has said, "we are hopeful of having him for the first game of the year," so maybe we'll only suspend him if the NRL tells us we have to.
Good. You don't see other clubs suspending players, we do and it's only the club that suffers. Unless the NRL forces our hand, never suspend a player, fines only.
The issue is, it needs to be the NRL that comes down harder on players. These players should be hit HARD in fines. Pretty sure these sort of events are enough for termination of employment for most people, so if a player wants to stay in the NRL they need to go through the community service aspects etc but also get whacked with a huge fine. Like 30% or salary type stuff. Or, if they dont cop that, enjoy deregistrstion.

im just sick of all this player bullshit. He’s a fucking donkey for doing the shit he does.
I recall the thread I made about him being over-rated. The replies to that are pretty funny to look back on...
I recall the thread I made about him being over-rated. The replies to that are pretty funny to look back on...
This hasn't got anything to do about his playing ability, so can't see why it's funny
Gee I don't know if I could Blackboard Jungle this guy, but I see his problem as cultural - his upbringing - and you either have to replace that culture with the club culture or you have to remove his culture from your club before it metastasizes. Like we did with Jimmy the Jet.

Punishment doesn't always work with these guys. It plays into their persecution mentality, and the club becomes "the Man." Which is the opposite of what you want. I don't have answer, but the solution lies within his peers.
TBH, I think the solution lies with Petero. I am fairly sure that Haas respects Petero, so if anyone is going to get him back on track, it is him.
Just re the press conference today, I am not that unhappy to see Walters get pissed and walk out. I am glad he is not going to pander to the press, it is a good line in the sand moment for me. A bit different to the last bloke wanting to sit there waffling on trying to respond to everything.
Petero's dad also went to jail for a bit, so if anyone could understand where he's coming from it's him.
So did Mal’s brother.
Reading that transcript of him threatening the policewoman makes me sick. I don’t to support a team with this fuckwit in it, and yes I’m aware of the irony in that statement given Matt Lodge has been playing for us for a few years
So much for good Muslim boy. Blokes a fucking ass hat. I don’t care if he’s good. It’s **** wits like him that have ruined the culture at the Broncos.
Guys an absolute he had a hard upbringing boo fuckin hoo.....his brother died recently.....yeah and a hell of a lot of people lose someone close and dont use it for an excuse to be a ****.....sure some people might but most arent well paid *****.....itd be odds on the cops are called out to this cockheads house regularly in the future
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Just re the press conference today, I am not that unhappy to see Walters get pissed and walk out. I am glad he is not going to pander to the press, it is a good line in the sand moment for me. A bit different to the last bloke wanting to sit there waffling on trying to respond to everything.

Where's the vid of it?
Reading the court records - He, in the presence of his Mrs whos preggers, threatens a female police officer, uses degrading language and threatens them verbally saying hes ready for an altercation. What a fucking idiot. Disgusting behaviour from someone who claims he is relgious and humble and is representing the Broncos brand.

Freddy should ban him from blues selection, NRL should give him 6-8 games and fine him in the region of 100k, and or forfeit match payments. Last chance saloon for him.
I find it typical that he’s a fucking cat on the field for us but big tough guy to cops with a filthy mouth.

Take a leaf out of your buddy carrigans book and grow the **** up, DICK HEAD.

I might add he loves to hang out with “latrine” Mitchell..... we have players in this squad with GIANT character flaws.

Sort it out Kevvie!
Massive pea heart.....they should drop him to the womens comp but theyd still belt the cretin


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