But he isn’t the sole reason for the break. Yes his tackle was high but Corey brings the force. 3-4 is an atrociously long time for a tackle with no force for someone with no record. I get that the fact that he broke his jaw might be to hard to not influence the MRC’s decision but it’s not a suspension worthy tackle it’s a suspension worthy outcome and when that happens we as a game find ourselves in a real pickle.
Someone with no record should not be getting a 3-4 week suspension for that, like come off it. Whilst obviously the high tackle caused it Corey brought all the force that caused the break of the jaw, not Scott. No victim card changes that and as such under no circumstances does a low force contact with the chin/jaw region warrant a 3/4 week suspension. It’s the simple reality that needs to be swallowed. 1 or 2 is the fairest amount and even than that is taking into account the injury into the punishment which I honestly don’t want to be the case in this game for accidental non malicious tackles that awkwardly go wrong.
Week after week, play after play you lot play victim to every motherfucking thing that happens that your biases don’t approve of. Just shut the **** up. You lot only a matter of a few months ago chose your hill to die on about Pat for weeks. You demanded that injury shouldn’t be taken into account and quite frankly that tackle was disgusting he deserved 5 weeks for that. So when another player injures ours we don’t get to take the moral high ground. Not to mention Taupau got out of a very dangerous tackle himself scot-free and you all laugh like it’s our god given right. The hide and hypocrisy you lot have to carry on like pork chops about that tackle is ridiculous especially the argument you lot are all using epitomises hypocrisy.
We want this to be the path the nrl take? Patty would still be sitting on the sideline and deservedly so his tackle was awful and he is only getting one more week than Drinkwater. I can’t fathom that at all. My take here isn’t to be popular but to wake your short minded biased asses up. Pat caused an injury that caused threat to a career and Drinkwater unluckily caused a broken jaw that has sidelined Corey for half the time and we are distinguishing them as a game on the sidelines difference. The outcome sucks but there isn’t 3-4 weeks, a likely hefty fine, a substantially poor outcome to his future judicial record and a 10 in the bin that inevitably made the game unwinnable for the cows. I’m not that biased to think that is justifiable and even some of you want it to be more. 1-2 is plenty for a non-malicious low force tackle with 0 history. And even then the entire driver of a suspension in general is the injury. It’s contact sport it’s time we suck it up and learn that SHIT FUCKEN HAPPENS. We are about as fickle as our side on here when it comes to shit not going our way and the way we carry ourselves afterwards.
Contact sport, contact outcomes.
Big fucken PLAY ON! In my books