You seem to be missing the point, deliberately or not. No-one is fixated on the injury outcome except you. Drinkwater shoulder charged Corey's face. If Corey was walking or hell, even stationary, absolutely Drinkwater is still binned and still sits out a few weeks for it. Shoulder charges have been illegal for years now, everyone knows that. It's that simple.
Now, I don't fully agree with a blanket ban on shoulder charges either, executed legally they were and have always been fine, but them's the rules. It's a high risk move that regularly goes wrong - just like this one did. Too many were going wrong - like this - so tougher rules were brought in to be more of a deterrent. I'm sure you know all this, you're a smart bloke who clearly knows the game.
I was critical of the ban on Pat because the NRL unfairly beefed up his penalty for that one, specific incident. Not just because of the damage to Hastings but as a warning to other players. And they were open about this, they said it, this is not a 'conspiracy theory'. There was another hip drop just as bad - which did not result in injury - that same weekend which completely escaped punishment IIRC. I believe it's the inconsistency and the "making an example of" which most of us were up in arms about - not that Pat got banned. I think we would all have accepted what was the 'usual' penalty for a hip drop at that time, but no, Patty got special treatment and from memory something like double the time anyone else got for one - either before OR since! Let's not pretend that situation is in any way the same as this - a very straightforward breaking of a long-standing rule with plenty of prior examples.
You didn't answer, either - if say a Flegler or a TPJ did Drinkwater's exact tackle on a Cleary or a Mitch Moses, how long do you think he'd get?