Pro Wrestling is Fake.


I can take solace in the knowledge intelligent people don't watch such junk.

Intelligent people are usually pretty open minded, which is a mindset that you have demonstrated time and again that you are opposed to.

Just because you don't "get it" doesn't mean that it's not a valid form of entertainment.

Nobody is claiming it's a sport, just another form of entertainment.

In the untouchables, Kevin Costner isn't using real bullets to shoot everyone in the staircase scene, it's just acted, The story is pre-determined, everything is scripted. Oh hey, that sounds like another form of entertainment!
I get the entertainment argument. But I mean, real sport is pretty darn entertaining.

I can take solace in the knowledge intelligent people don't watch such junk.

Did you not get the bit about not judging?

I watch wrestling from time to time, not massively into it, but I watch it now and again

I find some entertainment value in it

And I am 48 years old, post graduate educated, and work in a University as a department head managing a multi-million dollar budget

But yeah, not intelligent
No, generally speaking, such junk is not watched by intelligent people. That's my judgement. There are people out there who would be widely considered to be intelligent, well educated, well credentialled, who actually think the world is 6,000 years old and they also think that evolution is a conspiracy involving 99% of the science community.

Are they right ? Just because you are an exception does not prove my statement incorrect. My statement is in actual fact wrong. I should have written, generally intelligent people don't watch such puerile garbage.

You might have a responsible job, overseeing a multi million dollar budget but I operate a machine worth multiple millions of dollars. I'm also paid double what a pen pusher receives but none of that has relevance does it ? My opinion is just that, mine. I never stated that it isn't a form of entertainment, it is only it's a very poor form. Play acting steroidal behemoths in spandex, mincing around pulling faces and uttering guttural threats, smashing balsa wood chairs over one another. Laughable were it not so infantile. The men do the same thing !
Intelligent people don't feel the need to tell you how intelligent they are. People just know.
Totally agree. Now, which poster claimed to be intelligent ?
This thread should just be deleted IMO.
Ruined a potentially interesting debate.
No, it was split from the , ahem wrestling thread. If you like it so much, why not spend your time over there talking shit about the shit spectacle that is fake shit wrestling. This thread is about FAKE wrestling and as such rightfully stands alone, proudly alone.
No, it was split from the , ahem wrestling thread. If you like it so much, why not spend your time over there talking shit about the shit spectacle that is fake shit wrestling. This thread is about FAKE wrestling and as such rightfully stands alone, proudly alone.

Settle down fella, please point out a single post where I've stated even the slightest enjoyment in wrestling.
You aren't alone in ruining this thread, however the fact that you jumped to aggression towards my post just shows how insecure you must be.

A sad, insecure and lonely person.

For the record, I don't even like wrestling in the slightest.
I'm happy for others to enjoy it if they like however, as that has no impact on me and they're free to do as they please.
The threads about fake wrestling so if you aren't interested, why are you singling out people who ' ruin ' it as you put it, in fact calling for it to be deleted is about as aggressive as it gets. Stop trying to impose your will. It's like you're a control freak, a sad lonely insecure control freak.
The threads about fake wrestling so if you aren't interested, why are you singling out people who ' ruin ' it as you put it, in fact calling for it to be deleted is about as aggressive as it gets. Stop trying to impose your will. It's like you're a control freak, a sad lonely insecure control freak.

Nice comeback mate, well thought of!
This is something I've never understood, who pre determines the outcome of the match? Is it whoever pays more money or who looks more badass or what?

Comparing wrestling to movies I reckon isn't right. Has to be compared to other sports. Would you watch a game of nrl knowing that it's fixed, I wouldn't.

I'm not a fan of the sport but I can see some appeal to the younger kids with all bash ups and fantastic marketing to get them in, before they realise it's all bs.
This is something I've never understood, who pre determines the outcome of the match?

In most cases, there's a booker who will determine who goes over and in what fashion. In the WWE, they use a writing team that have backgrounds in television and movies and they pitch ideas to the chairman Vince McMahon and they format the show that way. The point ultimately is to draw money and appeal to as many fans as possible so they'll subscribe to a streaming service known as the WWE Network which is $9.99 US. That grants you access to a huge library of past episodes, documentaries, wrestling related television shows and specials events that used to be only available via PPV including Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is their biggest show and it usually emenates from an American football stadium infront of crowds as low as 50 000 to as high as 90 000+.

Fans watch Pro Wrestling for the same reason they watch movies and television, they don't watch it because they're Hulk Hogan supporters and they want to cheer the Hulkster from their living rooms like you would for the Rugby League.
Fair enough. But people do watch it cause they follow a certain wrestler, not all but a lot do.

The other thing is, you can bet on wrestling. How the hell does that work when the match is pre determined.
Even then, how is that different to watching a movie because it has a star you like?
My Dad took me to watch the Harlem Globetrotters when I was 10. They thrashed the other team and it was a great spectacle. Until a dude sitting next to us said that they HAVE to win, it's part of the show. The whole thing seemed pointless after that.