I'd have to agree that he should've done better in that instance.
Cows have a condensed sliding line, so the defence is always coming across to him if he cuts back in.
It looks like the play that's needed there is Herbie getting outside Hiku, which he looked to be well on his way to doing, brining Feldt into the tackle and then offloading to Oates... what I would say is that the play doesn't look like a simple draw and pass, where he just needs to keep running a line and eventually pass to Oates, because the sliding defence would just take Oates over the sideline.
It's one of those Lomax plays required here, where he has to end up taking the contact of Hiku and then offloading around Feldt coming in. Herbie is carrying with his left hand there, which is great to see, but it's not his natural carry from memory... so he may not be entirely comfortable with one handed flick passes using his weaker hand.
It's the issue associated with putting a natural right hand carry on the left hand side of the field.
Cobbo does have a natural left hand carry, which was why he was able to palm off two defenders before sprinting 80m in the All Stars game.