Seems you're willing to blame the Broncos but not the prehistoric, outdated QLD Cup clubs.
The "next level down" should lead only to the Broncos and other Queensland clubs and aim to benefit them, not themselves which is why a reserve grade comp, funded by the NRL to benefit that competition should be created.
The QLD Cup should exist, but it shouldn't be the next level down. It is in no way beneficial for the growth or improvement of the NRL to have the next level of players split between two different competitions, playing with and against some good players and some part time players. It might have worked 25 years ago but the NRL needs to grow, and the entire idea of the QLD and NSW Cups is outdated and no longer works.
Tell me this.. How is the QLD Cup competition aiming to grow the game in regards to fans? How is it beneficial for our players to be split amongst numerous teams, being coached by people who might not have the best interests in the Broncos? What are the benefits of this competition being the next level down, instead of the negatives of the Reserve grade comp?