I don't really agree (there's a shock). He is basically just trying to be a contrarian and you see the same pattern with some other posters on here as well. They try to go against the grain to try and look educated, independent, better than everyone else or some other reason that says I am so smart, s-m-r-t. This is fine if a basis is provided for it and civil discussion follows (
@Organix is great at this).
However, generally
@McHunt simply comes out with idiotic and childish responses to good challenges or connects 1 and 7 and comes out with 94, then after understandably getting shot down, doubles down with an 'oh I meant this but you were all too stupid to see it' response. This is a shame because every so often, in a whole pile of trash, he does come out with something insightful, it just tends to happen less and less these days.