Queenslanders' passion for sport

Oi Rocky. I didn't read your dribble. Far too long.

Two for one tickets. NSW fans are losers.
The Rock said:
[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Yep, as expected. I put down a valid, thought-through opinion with regards to the challenges experienced by fans from ALL sports and rugby league teams in Australia, and surprise surprise, all I get back is a "NSW suck" or "Is this guy serious"... [icon_lol1. :roll:

Are you people really that thick? I know QLD has one of the poorest education development programs in the country and I know QLD spend less on education than most other states, but I didn't think you guys were really that naive and stupid to not understand my post. It's actually quite easy to understand - Many different factors impact crowd numbers and different parts of the country are impacted more so than others. Simple as that really.

Anyway, can anyone explain why QLD crowd figures have been dropping in the last few years?

Lolz, look at this guy!
Before I answer your question, can you please give me some figures which reflect crowd numbers in QLD going down? (only because I don't know where to find the numbers)
http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showt ... p?t=371571

few crowd numbers there.

Monday 28 March
Cowboys 34 def Storm 6 @ Dairy Farmers Stadium, 7:00pm FOX Sports - 9,554

Rocky Wants to pump out his "tunnel closed" "better things to do" excuses for poor NSW crowds, here is mine for the above shit crowd.

NQ Monday night, Living up there from 05-09 i learnt quickly that 80% of the Cowboys fans are from Mackay/Cairns and other rural areas, A Monday night game is just stupid by the NRL as those fans can't travel 4hrs to a game with work and school on the same day.
Titans aren't a Queensland team.

Cowboys were shit after 2007. Crowds reflected their performance. Their crowds will lift later in 2011.

Broncos crowds so far in 2011 have been hurt by a Monday night game, and a typically low drawing game against Penrith. This week will be a struggle too with an understrength Broncos team missing all the star power. Games against traditional rivals St George-Illawarra, Parramatta and Gold Coast will boost figures later in the season and will probably match 2010 figures.
All the Titans fans can't get the game when the Tugan bypass tunnel is closed.
The Rock said:
draggx said:

few crowd numbers there.

Monday 28 March
Cowboys 34 def Storm 6 @ Dairy Farmers Stadium, 7:00pm FOX Sports - 9,554

Rocky Wants to pump out his "tunnel closed" "better things to do" excuses for poor NSW crowds, here is mine for the above shit crowd.

NQ Monday night, Living up there from 05-09 i learnt quickly that 80% of the Cowboys fans are from Mackay/Cairns and other rural areas, A Monday night game is just stupid by the NRL as those fans can't travel 4hrs to a game with work and school on the same day.


Exactly my point! In fact, you've added another one there for me - Poor game scheduling. icon_thumbs_u Oh and what's that, the Cowboys fans are challenged by...wait for it....TRANSPORTATION problems (Travel time). Did I not just mention that as a reason for crowd drops, ya clown.

4hrs for majority of Cowboy fans to get to a game, Thats an 8hr round trip.... You seriously think thats the same as a "oh no tunnels closed and the detour is another 15minutes"?

There is no public transport for the fans up north at all, the bus to the stadium.. it comes from a shopping centre 5minutes down the road.

When it rains up there half the time the highway gets flooded and there are only 3 roads out of Townsville 1 in each direction. Something a detour can't fix.
Lol I love it when Rocky gives us all these FACTS!
Rocky you are thick - you can't include 2011 crowd figures in this argument because we are not through the full season yet. There's significant drawcards that haven't come to Brisbane or Townsville yet.

Before I start - I will concede that the Titans numbers are a worry. Down by 4,000 over 4 years is a worry indeed. But look at the history of Gold Coast sport and you will see that it's nowhere near as bad as previous efforts and if they were to maintain their current crowd levels it would actually be an OK result (in the context of what has happened in the past on the coast). The Gold Coast's attitude to sport is much like Sydney's - hopeless. Gold Coast United crowds reflect this, and many expect the same result with the Suns. Things operate differently down the M1, hence Coxy and Fozz saying they are from NSW is valid - they need to get their s**t together like Sydney needs to. As you can see, not making excuses for them at all.

As draggx mentioned, the difference between the transport concerns in Townsville and Sydney, is that in Townsville they are actually concerns, whereas in Sydney they are just purely poor excuses. There is a BIG difference between not being able to attend a game because of 4 hours of travel and work + school the next day, and having to take an alternate route because of a tunnel closure of a train line down. BIG difference. And if you try to compare the two then you just suck at life. It's been raining ever since the start of summer in Queensland too, which makes long-distance travel VERY unappealing. Not to mention a lot of people up north are still cleaning up from natural disasters (Mackay floods, 2011 CQ floods, Cyclone Yasi etc) and simply would not be able to afford travelling 4 hours to game of football, whether it be financially or mentally. Nobody wants to drive a long way when your attitude is down because your house has been blown to bits.

Broncos are on the incline. Like I said you can't use the 2011 stats until we've seen 12 games there. SO many variables.
I wasn't talking about the whether when attending a game. I was talking about it when TRAVELLING 4 hours to the game on a highway that is currently pothole-after-pothole and roadworks because of the hammering it copped over the summer. I just drove to Stanthorpe and back on the weekend, and Cunningham's Gap is only 1 lane for most of it which is a HUGE deterrent for people who normally attend Broncos games from the south west. Reports are from my mates up north that the highway between Mackay and Townsville is quite similar, and when it won't stop raining people do not want to travel in those conditions.

Do you not think we have traffic problems up here when heading to games? On Friday nights the freeway Suncorp is pretty much always shithouse because people are too stubborn to take the Clem7. Traffic from the northside is always crap. Of course, most people take public transport, but many don't like it. Plus, these days you don't get many people from Brisbane drive to Robina on a Friday night to watch a Titans game, because the M1 is a jam most of the way.

Please note I am NOT making excuses. Simply pointing out that we have the same problems up here, yet we perform better numbers wise. And in the case of the Cowboys, they have MORE problems than Sydney does and about 4% of the population, yet they get pretty good figures considering how they have performed the last few years.
Why would you argue with Rocky ever let alone at Origin time. It is like watching Pong vs Pong. [eusa_doh
I think it's funny how Rocky is trying to say that people buying 2-4-1 Origin tickets in NSW is on par with tickets selling out in an hour or so in QLD lol.
The Rock said:
Jeba said:
Please note I am NOT making excuses. Simply pointing out that we have the same problems up here, yet we perform better numbers wise. And in the case of the Cowboys, they have MORE problems than Sydney does and about 4% of the population, yet they get pretty good figures considering how they have performed the last few years.

Too many pot holes!! [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. HAHAHAHAHAH!! Oh man, that'll do me. Oh wait..there's more. Cowboys have more problems than Sydney does? Fair dinkum, that's amazing work there Jeb. I don't know if I can take you seriously or not.

It's amazing how often you miss the point in someone's argument. It really is.
The Rock said:
Kris said:
I think it's funny how Rocky is trying to say that people buying 2-4-1 Origin tickets in NSW is on par with tickets selling out in an hour or so in QLD lol.

Um never said it was on par. I'm saying that it doesn't MATTER how quickly you fill a stadium, as long as it's full.

Selling out in an hour is what makes QLD more passionate, people from QLD are so desperate to get tickets they are on the net or phone at 8.30 am in preparation for 9am release. Meanwhile in NSW everyone is like oh well we can by our tickets next month because we never sell all our tickets and the longer we wait we will probably get a 2 for 1 deal.
For the benefit of all those participating in this argument, average crowd figures for every team for the years 2006 - 2010 (it is ridiculous to include 2011 considering every team has bigger drawcards which may or may not have been played yet):

2006 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Austr ... ttendances
2007 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Austr ... es_by_Team
2008 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Austr ... es_by_Team
2009 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Austr ... es_by_Team
2010 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austr ... es_by_Team

These lists also have other codes included, but they're still pretty easy to read.
I haven't read the 5 pages but here are my 2 cents.

NSW and NSW NRL fans are mostly TV supporters. The pros outweight the cons in peoples opinion to stay home or go to a club instead of going to a game. It sucks, but that is just the mindset of NSW fans.

NSW fans will wait right till the last minute to make the decision to go to a game and there are many factors that will alter that decision - weather and traffic are very high on the list.

The 2 for 1 ticket offer for SOO is pretty simple marketing. It helps lock in the fence sitting fans to get tickets early. The good price and knowing you are with a friend/spouse will make fans commit, it also takes away the excuses to not attend games eg. weather and traffic, however there will be some who will still use it.

Another major reason for QLD's great crowd figures is for the lack of games they get, QLD/Brisbane fans only get roughly 15 games a year with possible weeks in between games. Success is another reason for great crowd figures. If the Broncos had a losing history like Souths, they wouldn't be pulling in 20k+ a game and there is the possibility that some of you guys might not be supporting them right now if they did.

NSW fans also get a lot more games a year and I worked it out to roughly 78 games a year in Sydney alone (if you base it on 3 Sydney games a round), so there are a lot more chances of seeing games. This is probably another reason NSW fans are less likely to attend games as there is always next week, the problem is the same excuse is used the next week so the person or family choose to watch it on TV.

I am in a rare family and we go to every Souths game we can and we have only missed 1 Souths game so far this NRL season, as we couldn't afford to fly to New Zealand. I am lucky that I don't actually organise it, Bree's mum does all that. So many families can't put in that much effort and sacrifices to attend games like we do. Because you have to be very committed to do this.

On the subject of SOO, IMO the idea of SOO is different to what it originally stood for and why I don't get into it that much. To me people treat it as an NRL match and choose who they support eg. NSWelshmen who support out of State teams (full of Qld players) so like those players and goes for QLD and then there are the bandwagon supporters who support a winning team.

Then there is the players who are playing for a state they only spent a few years living in due to the first Senior match ruling (which is another debate). IMO this wasn't the original idea and it cheapens it for me and why I can't get into it.

I will always enjoy an SOO match, on tv. I cheer and support NSW and wear my jersey with pride. Yet whether we win or lose, I will not be be affected emotionally compared too if Souths were playing.