Raiders Vs. Broncos *SPOILER*

Canberra have had a terrible season and they are winning by 44 points.

Mamma mia!

Lets all type our messages like we're Mexican from now on.
This is the first time in my life i have been tempted to turn off a Broncos game [icon_non [icon_thumbs_do :roll: :mad:
Hunt needs to be dropped, not becuase he's leaving but because he's playing that badly
I can't believe how much our performances have declined since 'that' night we lost to the Storm in the finals last season.

Oh yeah, the Raiders look like they've scored again.
Foordy said:
This is the first time in my life i have been tempted to turn off a Broncos game [icon_non [icon_thumbs_do :roll: :mad:
Nah, its just so bad you just have to keep wathing, yeah that's it, whip me baby, I likes the pain!
When will it be the consensus opinion ??...that is...that WB is/was/and always will be the heart and soul of the Broncos....its gone and I ,for one ,am saddened to see this unneccessary.

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