PLAYER Reece Walsh

Apparently there's a TiK Tok video of Reece having a spat with a Panthers fan at yesterday's fan day. Cue the Sydney media meltdown.

NRL suspension incoming in 3...2... oh wait a second. it's finals, the NRL don't suspend people in finals, right PVL, you know for the fans.
I just want to know the kind of person that would think this is worth the NRL integrity units time.

I'm actually curious of the peronality stack of this complete stick in the mud loser.
Hahaha you fucking scared ass bitch.
Imagine wanting your opposition to get suspended for an easy win.
I hope you deadshits field your strongest side and get fucked in the face all night long.


And whoever reported this "incident" obviously feels threatened by Walsh playing and feels he must be suspended.


NRL media is absolutely rubbish.

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