POST GAME [Round 1, 2022] Broncos vs Rabbitohs

Broncos vs Rabbitohs


11 - 4


Suncorp Stadium

11 Mar 2022


Match Stats

Broncos Rabbitohs
2 Tries 1
1 / 2 Conversions 0 / 2
1/1 Field Goals 0/0
0/0 2P Field Goals 0/0
1 Try Assists 1
Broncos Rabbitohs
55% Possession 45%
9 / 32 Set Completion 14 / 29
51 Time in Opposition Half 49
1451 Metres Gained 1377
1 Dropouts 0
3 Dummy Half Runs 10
24 / 666 Kicks/Kick Metres 15 / 419
0 40/20 0
0 20/40 0
11 Offloads 9
0 1 on 1 Steals 0
3 Line Breaks 5
3 Line Break Assists 4
7 Support Play 9
Broncos Rabbitohs
9 / 32 Set Completion 14 / 29
5 Penalties (Conceded) 7
1 Set Restarts 5
12 Errors 13

Player Stats

# Broncos T Pts TA LB TB OFF Ta MT IT Pos DR K KM M E P
1 J. Isaako 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 33 0 1 0m 88m 2 0
2 C. Oates 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 19 0 0 0m 130m 0 0
3 K. Staggs 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 3 2 17 0 0 0m 55m 2 0
4 H. Farnworth 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 1 16 1 1 1m 72m 0 1
5 S. Cobbo 0 0 0 1 4 0 8 3 2 21 1 0 0m 162m 4 0
6 B. Walters 0 0 0 0 6 2 23 2 2 31 0 4 112m 126m 0 0
7 A. Kelly 1 4 0 0 0 2 15 2 1 55 0 18 553m 118m 1 0
8 K. Palasia 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 2 1 26 0 0 0m 129m 0 0
9 J. Turpin 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 1 2 113 1 0 0m 7m 0 0
10 P. Haas 0 0 0 0 1 4 38 1 0 26 0 0 0m 188m 0 1
11 K. Capewell 0 1 1 0 1 0 38 2 0 11 0 0 0m 48m 0 1
12 J. Riki 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 0 9 0 0 0m 51m 1 0
13 P. Carrigan 0 0 0 0 1 1 28 0 0 33 0 0 0m 156m 0 1
14 R. James 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1 0 6 0 0 0m 22m 0 0
15 R. Kennedy 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 2 2 8 0 0 0m 54m 2 0
16 T. Robati 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0m 37m 0 1
17 T. Roberts 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 22 0 0 0m 8m 0 0
# Rabbitohs T Pts TA LB TB OFF Ta MT IT Pos DR K KM M E P
2 A. Johnston 0 0 0 1 5 1 8 1 0 25 2 0 0m 145m 1 0
19 J. Mansour 1 4 0 2 2 1 3 2 1 22 2 0 0m 116m 1 0
3 J. Paulo 0 0 1 0 1 1 11 1 1 18 0 0 0m 88m 1 0
4 C. Graham 0 0 0 1 4 0 26 0 0 17 0 1 21m 114m 1 0
5 T. Milne 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 1 0 15 1 0 0m 129m 0 0
6 C. Walker 0 0 0 0 2 0 13 2 0 47 0 9 230m 28m 2 1
7 L. Ilias 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 3 0 42 0 5 168m 20m 2 0
8 T. Tatola 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 1 13 0 0 0m 99m 1 1
9 D. Cook 0 0 0 0 4 0 41 1 2 120 5 0 0m 72m 1 0
10 M. Nicholls 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 2 10 0 0 0m 75m 1 1
11 K. Koloamatangi 0 0 0 0 0 2 23 1 2 9 0 0 0m 70m 0 0
12 J. Arrow 0 0 0 0 3 1 37 1 3 14 0 0 0m 77m 0 0
13 C. Murray 0 0 0 0 1 0 44 0 2 19 0 0 0m 58m 1 1
14 J. Host 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 2 11 0 0 0m 92m 0 0
15 S. Havili 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 12 0 0 0m 72m 0 0
16 T. Burgess 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 0m 86m 0 0
17 M. Chee Kam 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 8 0 0 0m 36m 1 1


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Anyone have any doubts about Oates' try? I think he might have clipped the sideline with his leg just before he put it down.

The Souths' #5 was more irritable than Walker (who was still his usual hotheaded self). The elbow to Capewell's face was cheap and ugly, but I loved how Herbie handled him earlier. The #5 milked the penalty by holding on and shaking around, and then when he pushed Herbie back Farnworth just stood his ground, looked at him like "what the **** are you on", and laughed it off. No fear but no grub, I like it.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
i dont like jd much but **** me these questions from the media are a joke lol.
Screenshot 2022 03 12 02 42 40 885 comandroidchrome2

Steve Harvey What GIF


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
You know the old mule is pacing around like a flustered grandma when he has to reply twice to the same post. RK is great value for what he is being paid but to pretend he didn't put us under pressure, twice, when the game is in the balance is... well... something you'd do. Go to bed and dream of Kennedy's hands knocking your balls around in the ruck as you whisper gently in his ear "6 again my prince".
This post shows exactly how stupid you can be. He didn't put us under pressure because he didn't have his hands in any ruck you twat. You even know this but persist with your bullshit. He made an error in a ptb but it was upfield and we weren't under any real pressure before or after.

So he didn't put us under pressure at any stage. You idiots just don't get it, KW picked him over others but you all apparently are much smarter than KW...fucked if I know how you don't recognise how poor your judgement is in reality. An nrl coach with other choices picks Kennedy but you wouldn't because you're all sooooo smart and experienced. You must shop at Total Tools.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
I'll give you the tip, he doesn't respond well to the insinuation that he could be wrong.
Especially when he isn't. I always allow for the possibility but I am not wrong that RK didn't 'give away a 6 again ' for a mistake or stupid play. Just as it happened on another occasion, (Farnworth) contact was made while tackling. It was not an error or stupidity. It was a late call by the ref undoubtedly tipped through the earpiece.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Anyone have any doubts about Oates' try? I think he might have clipped the sideline with his leg just before he put it down.
Nah, try was ok, was close, but ok.


Still in play and left hip is just about on the grass, he had the ball down.


Any delay in getting that ball down though and his right boot would have been out for sure.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Especially when he isn't. I always allow for the possibility but I am not wrong that RK didn't 'give away a 6 again ' for a mistake or stupid play. Just as it happened on another occasion, (Farnworth) contact was made while tackling. It was not an error or stupidity. It was a late call by the ref undoubtedly tipped through the earpiece.
It's actually a rule I fucking hate too - unintentional knock down with your arm in the act of tackling with your head literally on the other side of the bloke. It's a joke rule, likely only existing because how do you tell the unintentional apart from the intentional.

I think the fairest way to deal with it, is if they can't change it to be the same as the other "not played at" rules, simply make it a scrum, restarting on the exact same tackle they were already on. Why should you get a fresh set because you chuck it into someone's arm, it's a terrible rule.

While on the soapbox, why don't they change the fucking charge down rules while they are at it. Reward charge downs by not resetting the tackle count. If you pull off a wicked play and charge down a kick that will almost certainly fall closer to the opposition, why should you be punished for that giving away another set if they gather it back up.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
It's actually a rule I fucking hate too - unintentional knock down with your arm in the act of tackling with your head literally on the other side of the bloke. It's a joke rule, likely only existing because how do you tell the unintentional apart from the intentional.

I think the fairest way to deal with it, is if they can't change it to be the same as the other "not played at" rules, simply make it a scrum, restarting on the exact same tackle they were already on. Why should you get a fresh set because you chuck it into someone's arm, it's a terrible rule.

While on the soapbox, why don't they change the fucking charge down rules while they are at it. Reward charge downs by not resetting the tackle count. If you pull off a wicked play and charge down a kick that will almost certainly fall closer to the opposition, why should you be punished for that giving away another set if they gather it back up.
Yeah, it's a bit of a shit rule but it's been around so long and isn't too big of an issue so it doesn't get much attention. At the time, before the ptb had even started or rather a tackle made Cook was signalling 6 again and another Souths player was too and even Voss was talking/asking was the ball touched so it wasn't shit play from RK.

On the chargedown I think if the kicking team regains the ball it should still be whatever the tackle count was when kicked. So, still fifth or fourth, whatever it was. They shouldn't get a full set .


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
The things I like the most were those 1 percenters.

We blocked our kickers!!!! Unbelievable!!!

Slow/clumsy peeling off of a tackled player (thanks for making this part of the game storm) - and picked our moments to make this even slower! (Eg after they made a semi break, in our 20m, our defence was catching up)

We made sure we tackled and held onto their kicker post kick

Blocked our wingers and fullbacks

Capewell being back for the FG goal "just in case".

Let's hope we can keep these type of things up....


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
I do think Walters should be 14 for team balance but Walters was the better half last night. Watched a replay and he did exactly what we need our 2nd half to do. Straightened us up, dangerous little half breaks 5 or 6 times with strong running game, defence was rock solid. Kelly wasn't bad, he was great too, but after re-watchijg the game Walters was definetly the better of the 2, got better ad the game went as well


NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
57 minutes
17 hit ups
19 runs
182 metres
77 post contact metres
32 tackles
No misses

I've always been a fan of Patty but it really impressed me that he was consistently bending the line tonight. Amazing game. Don't know if he compared to Kennedy but high bar there.

Nah, try was ok, was close, but ok.

View attachment 17323

Still in play and left hip is just about on the grass, he had the ball down.

View attachment 17324
Any delay in getting that ball down though and his right boot would have been out for sure.

Thought it might be out at speed, was sure they'd look closer. Good to see he squeezed it in. Cobbo's on the other hand never looked in - he needs to time that leap better and get more air.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
When KC potted that field-goal, it was easily the loudest I've cheered during a Broncs match for a long while. Feels so good to start the season off with a victory.

The best thing for me, is that we still have Reynolds to come into this team. He's going to make a huge difference to our attack and general organisation, which was a bit lacking at times last night.

Our forwards were boss - they really set the platform for us, and we could have easily have had another two or three tries. Patty, Payne and Palasia were my top three.

The only concerns I had with the performance (keeping in mind it's only round one) were our right side defence, and a few really dumb, coach-killer mistakes.

The right side defence looked short all night, and we were always scrambling. It's more than understandable considering we've got a young inexperienced bloke out there in Cobbo, and another guy who barely played last season in Staggs. They're going need a run of games together to learn how each other operates, and get themselves on the same wavelength. I'm sure the coaching team has identified the issues there and there'll be some video sessions this week highlighting where they can improve.

The coach-killer mistakes/penalties were a big issue last year and it's something we absolutely need to cut out if we want to be in the mix at the end of the season. The boys need to play smart, play the percentages. First set after we score a try, you want to run strong and complete your set. A first grade match is 80 minutes long, you just have to keep building pressure. Don't let the opposition off the hook with lazy errors or poor discipline. This team needs to learn the art of the grind, and they showed they're more than capable of it last night.

With Reynolds still to come, and more time for the team to gel, I can see this team improving every week. We may not be able to match it with the likes of the Panthers, Storm, etc, but the signs are positive and we should definitely be able to keep them on their toes.

Here's to feeling positive about the Broncs for the first time in some time!


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Oh how I needed that win. GO YOU MIGHTY BRONCOS!!!

The whole team/club looked invested in that game last night.

Patty's stupid grab at Cook was uncalled for and cost us dearly and our poor discipline in giving away needless 6 agains needs to be sorted out tout suite. That's the negatives out of the way.

I can now bask in our glorious efforts last night.

Payno was immense and it was great to see him getting his efforts rewarded.
We showed our steel out there last night. Alby and Skip Walters were brutally smashed on a few occasions (particularly by Arrow) and both managed to bounce up and play on. I think Kevvie might go with Skip and Reyno as he had Alby play 7 last night, so it means the least amount of change in the halves. That being said, I think Skip is more suited to the 14 for us as he can also cover Turpin/Paix.

Staggs was over keen and needs to dial it back a bit, but my god him and Cobbs will cause opposing teams nightmares when they gel. Imagine when Reyno starts feeding them early ball. And what about the try that went begging when he was tackled without the ball? We should have at least did a captain's challenge on that as no way was it simultaneous.

Additionally, I thought some of Patty's runs backing up Payno's metres were a joy to behold and I'm so pleased to see him come back bigger and better from his ACL woes. Hope that gives young Willison some encouragement too as we'll need him mid-season for sure. 'The premier'- (Anastasia Palasia) also played a tremendous role in ensuring our go forward from Haas continued.

I thought Capewell was fairly quiet in the first half, I was actually disappointed in his lack of involvement to be honest, but jeez he made up for it in the second half. I think him and Herbie will work really well in both attack and defence as the season progresses.

Considering we still have Hetho, Flegs, PiKura, Paix and Jensen (and later Willison) to add to our forwards stock our depth looks very encouraging for the rest of the season.

Isaako deserves a pat on the back. He was solid under the high ball. His positioning was much better than last year and it was also noticeable that he put his hand up to take a couple of tough carries out of our own end when we were under the pump. Even after being smashed on his first hit up he came back for more. That showed his commitment to the team and I think Tesi is not a walk up start when he is back to full fitness (provided we get no more brain snaps from Jamayne).

Finally, I was wrong about putting in Roberts over Martin though. That last pass to Isaako for the field go was abysmal. He was fairly fresh on too. So no excuses there. But take a bow Kurt. What a clutch play from the stand-in captain. Made it look so easy and it was the icing on a very enjoyable cake for me.

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