We should have known this wouldn't pass without Mundine sticking his nose in ... Surprisingly, Mundine claims this isn't racism and Ezra should "toughen up" ... This coming from a man who has accused every man and his dog in rugby league of racism, hell Mundine even thought it was racism when he missed selection where another indigenous player was selected instead.
Mundine said
“I just wanted to put my 2c piece about the Ezra Mam controversy, about racism,” Mundine said.
“I mean, it ain’t racism.
“When two brothers are brown or black fellas, you can slur each other, you call them a ‘black c’ or this and that, that’s what they are.
“It’s like African-American and another African-American calling each other the n-word.
“I think they outta toughen up in that sense. It’s not racism.”