POST GAME [Round 1, 2024] Broncos vs Roosters

Thank god Wayne has finally commented on this. I know we were all wondering what he thought about something that had absolutely nothing to do with him.

The media are obviously going to ask Wayne Bennett for his opinion on this because he is simply the biggest figure in the game. Its easy clicks for them.
I am utterly shocked Wayne Bennett had a take like this. Who could have seen that coming.... some guys would be looking at him side eyed I would imagine. Rugby league has had more than a few racial incidents the last few years.
I am utterly shocked Wayne Bennett had a take like this. Who could have seen that coming.... some guys would be looking at him side eyed I would imagine. Rugby league has had more than a few racial incidents the last few years.

I can remember Peptide Paul, and i think it was Barnett from Newcastle that they couldnt prove? Apart from that, i cant think of many that involved players tbh until This latest incident. Maybe i'm missing some obvious one.
Should get at least 6 weeks even with the Guilty plea. If the NRL are serious about nailing this shit on the head, make an example of him.
I can only see the headline .. but basically he's calling someone drama queens (in respect to the racial problems).. and from what I can see he doesn't agree with a long ban for the grub. lol

Wayne loves to be in the limelight.
How many racial incidents does Bennett think the game has to have before he deems it has a racial problem. I mean 4 or 5 were just listed off the top of people’s head in this thread. In this day and age there shouldn’t be any.
How many racial incidents does Bennett think the game has to have before he deems it has a racial problem. I mean 4 or 5 were just listed off the top of people’s head in this thread. In this day and age there shouldn’t be any.
Exactly. And I have no evidence to back this up but I’d argue 99% of incidents go unreported. Even today, let alone in past eras.
How many racial incidents does Bennett think the game has to have before he deems it has a racial problem. I mean 4 or 5 were just listed off the top of people’s head in this thread. In this day and age there shouldn’t be any.

I think one is too many, but i dont think the game itself has a massive issue compared to society in general. Problem you have is you cant control stupid.
10 weeks.
I think NRL prosecutor will say 10-12... rorters will say 6-8 (or maybe go less)... and it will land somewhere at 8-10.

For Walsh NRL went 4, Broncos went 2 and they landed on 3

If he gets anything less than 8 then conspiracy hats on because they're doing it so he can play against Broncos in Rd 9
I can remember Peptide Paul, and i think it was Barnett from Newcastle that they couldnt prove? Apart from that, i cant think of many that involved players tbh until This latest incident. Maybe i'm missing some obvious one.
Im talking across the game also. Crowds etc aswell as the few player incidents. That is more society though tbf. Im going to be interested how many weeks Leniu gets. They need to come down hard on something like this. They have no problem doing it with stupid things like crusher tackles and hip drops.
Some journos reckon he will get 6 weeks. Originally 8 but two games off for the guilty plea.

6 weeks is not enough.
It depends on what angle the nrl want from it.

If they want to push the "stamp out racism" 6 weeks will be a disaster. Not just bcos of the length but also bcos of the fact we play the Roosters in week 9. The entire week will be about the racism in the game if he plays. Will give the game lots of feeling and publicity but it won't be good publicity for the game. Will look even worse if he does something again, and tbh, the stupidity of the bloke I will put $100000 that he does lol..