POST GAME Round 10 - Sea Eagles vs Broncos

Below are the refs interpretations.
I would think a similar incident against a kicker would be considered dangerous, every time, but happy to agree to disagree P :)

Tackling a Kicker

When affecting a tackle on a kicker, the defender must make a genuine attempt to tackle which is not:
1. Late
2. High or
3. Dangerous.
It comes down to interpretation of dangerous. What Mead did would not qualify in my opinion, regardless of the result.
Hilarious! Not a bad shop jobby. It was a completely legit tackle. Just sucks about the outcome.


In fact, Mead actually strips the ball during this tackle, which is probably why TT wasn't thinking about where his feet were going to land.

Hint - on my PS job, look at Mead's shorts and legs. I had to copy one over, as Tommy's leg is obscuring the other one.

But yeah I think we're on the same page. No one would think twice about this if TT didn't pretzel his leg. Thank **** the NRL for once hasn't caved to reactionary pressure... yet.
Hint - on my PS job, look at Mead's shorts and legs. I had to copy one over, as Tommy's leg is obscuring the other one.

But yeah I think we're on the same page. No one would think twice about this if TT didn't pretzel his leg. Thank **** the NRL for once hasn't caved to reactionary pressure... yet.
I see it now!

Hint - on my PS job, look at Mead's shorts and legs. I had to copy one over, as Tommy's leg is obscuring the other one.
Haha, and the spectator with the white T-shirt is a repeat from the far left... well done! :superhappythumbsup:
Yep knew somebody would come up with this regarding oates. Exactly what I was talking about with having common sense on rulings. None shown here with this post

Common sense would be great. Unfortunately when you see how 'high' Tom was there isn't much actual difference between Oates diving at full stretch and getting hit and Tom getting hit. Neither have the ability to protect themselves in that situation, so again, should we ban all tackles in the air for safety reasons?

Why not just ban jumping and take all of the grey area out of it?
Not sure why this is ongoing . Its never had anything to do with the attacking side just an unusual situation that highlighted a bit of a grey area which was pointed out via a massive bleating in the press.
The NRL has looked at it and said they're happy with the rule as it stands.
Question asked, albeit the wrong way, question answered.
I agreed with Barrett asking it, I'm happy with the answer.
There is no grey area though, it was a legitimate tackle that was not even close to breaking any rule.

Now DCE's dive, let's talk about that as what should be a REAL grey wait, Manly don't want to? Hmmm...surprising since the rule benefitted them.
There is no grey area though, it was a legitimate tackle that was not even close to breaking any rule.

Yep, if Mead had attacked the legs whilst Tom was in the air then I would say there would a case for a dangerous tackle, but he didn't it, he lept off the ground with Tom and tackled around the body, it was just an unfortunate landing that caused the injury, the same thing can happen in any tackle where legs get twisted or bent the wrong way.
Yep, if Mead had attacked the legs whilst Tom was in the air then I would say there would a case for a dangerous tackle, but he didn't it, he lept off the ground with Tom and tackled around the body, it was just an unfortunate landing that caused the injury, the same thing can happen in any tackle where legs get twisted or bent the wrong way.

Not only that, but as has been mentioned already I think, he had already lost the ball before he landed which most likely contributed to him not concentrating on where his leg was landing. It was a great tackle by Mead.
Although the Bronco tweet was in poor taste, they were only reacting to the outcry, and defending themselves for having done nothing illegal in the tackle

If the NSWanker media isn't bleating on about it non stop, I daresay the Bronco tweet never happens

So I don't blame them at all for tweeting, but I do think they could have tweeted something better

And truly, what the hell is with Barrett, calling for a common sense penalty


Let's give the refs the ability to call something legal, illegal, and blow a penalty

Although the Bronco tweet was in poor taste, they were only reacting to the outcry, and defending themselves for having done nothing illegal in the tackle

If the NSWanker media isn't bleating on about it non stop, I daresay the Bronco tweet never happens

So I don't blame them at all for tweeting, but I do think they could have tweeted something better

And truly, what the hell is with Barrett, calling for a common sense penalty


Let's give the refs the ability to call something legal, illegal, and blow a penalty


I doubt Barrett would even get what common sense is even if it smacked him in the nuts! Common sense would mean the final score would have been 28 (30) - 10

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