Round 11 - Tigers v Broncos - Post Match Discussion



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
What about Lowrie getting put on report for Sue headbutting into his shoulder?

Clearly that is more of a concern than a shoulder charge to the head.

When the nrl wasted all that time announcing their 'hard line stance' on shoulder charges and contact with the head I must have missed the last section saying 'unless the victim is a broncos player'


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Clearly that is more of a concern than a shoulder charge to the head.

When the nrl wasted all that time announcing their 'hard line stance' on shoulder charges and contact with the head I must have missed the last section saying 'unless the victim is a broncos player'

Im gonna keep posting my disbelief at it because I just cannot fathom how that was not a penalty.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Im gonna keep posting my disbelief at it because I just cannot fathom how that was not a penalty.

Totally. Even the one earlier when one of our guys took a shot to the head as he was going to ground, video ref looks at it, clearly hit on the head, no penalty. Earlier we were penalised despite their player falling, ref saying "no excuses, contact to the head is a penalty". I was cranky enough at that hypocrisy. This SC one was just lunacy.


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
Also, one big step was winning in the last five instead of losing in the last five.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
An improvement but still a long way from good. We're losing so many easy meters up the middle it isn't funny.

Our middle was soft - that was very noticeable to me during the game. I think that's where we really miss Parker, TBH.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
An improvement but still a long way from good. We're losing so many easy meters up the middle it isn't funny.

Yeah sorry, worded that badly. I meant our scramble, goal line D. We are still quite soft in the middle. As Brett said, Parker would have a bit to do with that.


NYC Player
Jul 29, 2013
Barba - Was atrocious, doesn't need time in Qld Cup, he needs a rest, the ankle is nowhere near right.
Vidot - What a star, why people bag him out I have no idea.
Reed - Very good game for a second-rower out of position.
Copley - Was pretty average but love the fact he supports very well.
Maranta - He has become very good and has some urgency in his run, should replace Barba for a couple of weeks.
Hoffman - Was actually better than some would have you believe, good kicking last night.
Hunt - What a star! He has been taking key moments and an origin pairing of Hunt-DCE in the future is exciting.
McGuire - Clearly had his mind elsewhere, still decent.
McCullough - tackled his heart out and should have earned a penalty.
Wallace - Good talent but has to stop giving away stoopid penalties.
Glenn - Outstanding last night, very well played.
Oates - Will be the best second rower/centre in the world before long.
Lowrie - Tackled his heart out which is his job.

Hala - Not his best game, made one good run.
Hannant - Aside from a poor mistake was very good.
Stagg - Good to have his experience because he doesn't offer much else these days.
Molo - Good first five minutes in grade, I was very impressed.

All this. Great summation. Agree totally. Hook wont drop Barbara. He is too scared


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2012
Our completions and soft middle were the only poor aspects of our game. Hannant, Wallace and moose all made good meters. Unfortunately due to them gaining even more meters than us. Especially with poor completions we were rarely in an attacking position. One huge positive was that our kicking game was great even Hoffman and barba did okay.

annoyed me immensely how much smoke was blown up brooks behind. He was THOROUGHLY outplayed by hunt. His 5th tackle options were poor. Their attack never threatened. He got one, lucky try.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Hunt is outplaying every half in the game except Cherry and JT, at this point. I would argue he is even playing better than Cronk.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
His also doing it behind a pack that is inconsistent and largely outside of McCullough no support from his spine.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Hunt is outplaying every half in the game except Cherry and JT, at this point. I would argue he is even playing better than Cronk.

He'd be the perfect compliment to JT.

Thurston/Smith taking care of the kicking, organising. Hunt just choosing his moment to pull the show and go.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
After a second look I'd say we looked okay against one of the lesser light teams. Very definitely some good aspects with Hunts game and the efforts of Oates, Vidot, Hannant ,Glenn and Maranta. Maranta took a couple of very difficult high balls when under enormous pressure so kudos to him. Nice to not lose in the last couple of minutes but taking an even handed view we weren't particularly threatened.

At the time of THAT hit on McCullough I kept thinking ,right that'll obviously be on report and a penalty forthcoming then was totally amazed after it had been repeatedly replayed that no-one except me could see it !! Naturally you all saw it but you know what I mean. Not a single comment from a commentary team which is supposed to be watching, no wonder we feel that we are victims at times especially after the earlier insistence that contact with the head would draw a sanction.


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