It’s like WWE. Watch it purely for the spectacle and entertainment value but the entire thing is fake.
Either through design or absolute ineptitude, the only thing that decides NRL games these days is not the players, it’s the ref.
Unscrutinised 6 agains for ???, rules / interpretations made up on the spot, other rules completely ignored, infractions selectively pulled up, absolute and total inconsistency and regular sin binning for absolutely nothing ensure every game is just a lucky dip and nothing more.
being the better team means nothing. There’s zero correlation between playing well and winning anymore. It’s totally and completely random.
The on-field referee marking a farce of the bunker system by interfering and overruling is one thing, but the rational for overturning the decision was ‘I don’t like the look of that’ or words to that affect. Who cares what it ‘looks like’.. apply the damn rules. This whole sport is so broken.