Warriors love this game. Remember broncos except for the last few games bring out the best in poor opponents and sink to their level in the process.
I propose suspend the season during origin. Ratings suck during split rounds anyway. Play origin over 4 weeks with 2 Wednesdays and game 2 on a Sunday. 1 split round around origin 1 (no backing up let the young guys play but put teams on a 15 year random roster so fair and make sure they play that team twice that year) then game 2 (make a weekend of it with city vs country Friday, residents sat and under 21 state of origin pregame) then 9s (include free to air evening games I know greasier but who wants to watch at 10am), and a rep round at the end (including small nations tests women's Aus vs NZ, youth tests etc) Break up the season a bit. Give injured and tired players time to heal and refocus and avoid the fans getting bored with what is a very long season. Get rid of preseason games except 2 trials to shorten season and don't see benefit of World Cup challenge.