Round 13 Discussion

Looked like Roberts stepped on the line there.
Konrad Hurrell just locked in worst hairstyle in the NRL award for the year.
That tackle on Hayne...yeeesssss

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Even without furston they are getting all the possession in the world. Suck shit Feldt.
That was dumb. Broncos in the red zone dumb.
That's better from the Cowboys.

They've either tried to play through the A & B defenders, or gone to the edges. If you want to get at the Titans, you've got to take them on through the edges.

Good run from Morgan, it's good to see him swing over to the left.
Typical Koni defence leaving Ash Taylor stranded there.
Hayne plane went off the runway.
**** yeah, suck on that Cowboys
I think they should show the other angle there.

I'm not so sure he got it down before he went out.