PRE-GAME [Round 15, 2023] Broncos vs Knights

Broncos vs Knights


Kickoff In:

Suncorp Stadium



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International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Jensen may not necessarily be criminally under-rated, as he does have a quite limited skill-set. But, all jokes aside, as a dependable no-fuss metre-eater, he has been exceptional for us. With Haas, Flegler, Carrigan, Oates & Herbie in the team, it's understandable that we don't necessarily need him on the bench at this point, but if circumstances change, and most definitely next year when we lose Flegler & Herbie, he will be critical to our rotation.

The anomaly of the negative differential with him on the field would almost certainly be because, at that point, Carrigan, Haas, and/or others would be off the field or not playing due to injury, suspension, or rep commitments.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Upgrade carrigan? He just signed an extension to 2028. He won't need an upgrade anytime soon.

Obviously I know he’s re-signed already but that new contract hasn’t kicked in yet and it is upgraded on his existing deal.


NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
Not on a permanent basis but it is if your easing a player like Piakura into the side I haven’t a problem.
For now it is but come the back end of the year we have to make a choice of whether Piakura is going to start and Capewell becomes a middle or Capewell will see out the season on the edge, Piakura goes back to cup and we wait for the pre-season and new year to pull this change.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
I had a dream last night that we smashed these guys by triple figures. We scored 18 points in the first 5 minutes, with back to back to back tries of the kick-off (all from Staggs).

After the game, the entire team was selected for origin, with the promotion being a Broncos vs Broncos match (exemptions were made to the eligibility rules for Herbie, Riki, etc. because they played so well).


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
A Spot opens up next year with Herbie gone, Cobbo Will probably move to his preffered side on the Left playing centre which leaves the Wing spot vacant for Arthars or Mariner.
at this stage in Cobbos career i would leave him on the wing. Very damaging when he has space.

Footy Fanatic

NRL Player
Dec 12, 2018
at this stage in Cobbos career i would leave him on the wing. Very damaging when he has space.

Problem is, he doesn't get much space on the wing and would get more in the centres.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Problem is, he doesn't get much space on the wing and would get more in the centres.
Check out his run metres from the back and on the wing this season. When he gets some space to pick out defenders he is very good getting past the first man in defence. I think hes had at least 6 long range breaks on the right edge.


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
For now it is but come the back end of the year we have to make a choice of whether Piakura is going to start and Capewell becomes a middle or Capewell will see out the season on the edge, Piakura goes back to cup and we wait for the pre-season and new year to pull this change.
I’m sure situations will change according to progress made and Kevin’s advisors will have him pull the right strings at the right time. After the Sharks game Piakura has given me the faith in him I was hoping for, small steps but in the right direction.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
I had a dream last night that we smashed these guys by triple figures. We scored 18 points in the first 5 minutes, with back to back to back tries of the kick-off (all from Staggs).

After the game, the entire team was selected for origin, with the promotion being a Broncos vs Broncos match (exemptions were made to the eligibility rules for Herbie, Riki, etc. because they played so well).
definitely could see this happening. Herbie has lived in Queensland almost as long as Nanai and Taulagi so easily exempt him and Rikis Aboriginal heritage makes him a Queenslander.


QCup Player
Jul 20, 2017
Jensen and Arthars are both good enough to be starting elsewhere and we're extremely lucky to be in a position where we have them as depth. That's one of the perks of being a winning team - If we were down the bottom of the ladder with the Cowboys I reckon both of those guys might have an eye on the door, looking for a starting gig elsewhere. As it stands, there will be injuries and these guys will get playing time even if they're not in the starting 17.

I'd prefer to see Jensen in the team over Marty personally (in fact I'd have Jensen starting with Flegler on bench), but I'm not sure how much of that is just built-up goodwill from seeing Jensen be such a no-fuss, reliable, tough, passionate workhorse over the past 2 years when we've really needed him. I wish we had more players like him and I love what he brings to the team, but in reality its probably a coin flip between him and Tapau.

If Kev has a plan to incorporate Piakura into the team and help the squad become more balanced and rounded and give us some more seasoned options for next year then I think it's hard to argue he hasn't earned the right to tinker, but it's definitely easy to get worried given his track record of constant chopping and changing.

Whatever we're doing certainly seems to be working right now and these sort of selection headaches are a really nice problem to have.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
at this stage in Cobbos career i would leave him on the wing. Very damaging when he has space.
I think from our teams perspective we would work best if it happened though, It would take him away from the Kick returns which can be a bit shaky on with the catches, and give it to someone like Arthars who is probably our best Catcher on the highball, Cobbos right hand fend would also be able to be used more playing on the left which he barely gets to use on the right at current.


NRL Player
Apr 19, 2016
Surely Corey Oates only has a few years left in him. I know it's a long time in NRL terms, but I'm sure he's Goates' long term replacement, right?

Jesse also looks like an awesome, quiet bloke that doesn't think he's the worlds next best fullback, and should be starting NOW, dammit. Like so many of our other wingers over the last decade.

He doesn't have Cobbo's highlight reels, , sure, but calling him a journeyman is setting the bar too low. He's genuinely a good winger, and I wouldn't be upset with him staying with the Broncs long term. I wonder if that's the plan, and if he's ok with it?
Id say arthurs is competing with mariner for a starting spot with cobbo moving to the centres in place of farnsworth (god i hate losing him).
From the looks of it as things stand arthurs has the edge but they probably be playing together with even a single injury to anyone but walsh (i reckon sailor should be ahead of cobbo there but kevie might think different).
Jenson makes the 17 with both palasia and flegler gone. Baker and willison to fight out the other place on the pecking order.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Just on newy, that 1-5 are shit hot on their day. Saifiti & Frizell go alright but the rest of the forwards are gash.

Just don't turn up like we did against canberra earlier this year.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Shame Mozer wasn't part of the squad this week then.
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