COMPLETE [Round 15, 2024] Broncos vs Rabbitohs

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Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
That sums up where we're at mentally. NO chase on the kick at all. Just a bunch of deers in the headlights.
Cannot even score against 12 men …we are fu.. ked.
and making South’s look good … it’s only June and we have another 2.5 mts of this crap to endure
Absolutely fucking hopeless... as per usual for the last month...
Another moronic play to close the half. That was some of the worst football in broncos history.
We are completely fucked without Walsh. Cannot get down the field let alone score a try without him.
As soon as it got tough post Reyno injury we've given up.

Add to that origin, we are done
Just end this fucking season already... they're not here this year
I take NO pleasure in saying it

Kev (or someone within the coaching staff with a fair bit of authority) has lost the dressing room. They aren't even playing for pride anymore, they're rolling over and letting the smashings come. I cannot believe how bad we are at the moment....
That first tackle kick from Madden was where we lost the game
I take NO pleasure in saying it

Kev (or someone within the coaching staff with a fair bit of authority) has lost the dressing room. They aren't even playing for pride anymore, they're rolling over and letting the smashings come. I cannot believe how bad we are at the moment....
Bullshit you take no pleasure in saying it lol.
I take NO pleasure in saying it

Kev (or someone within the coaching staff with a fair bit of authority) has lost the dressing room. They aren't even playing for pride anymore, they're rolling over and letting the smashings come. I cannot believe how bad we are at the moment....
Are you for fucking real?
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