Dean Pay whinging about losing the penalty count (which he thinks is ridiculous) and the penalty try (which he also thinks is ridiculous)
I have news for you Mr Pay ... If you don't want to lose penalty counts, then instruct your team to stop deliberately giving away penalties as a defensive tactic ...
Also Mr Pay, have you actually watched any rugby league this year ... The current interpretation for a penalty try (which they have been ruling for the entire season) is that it is a penalty try if in the referees opinion a try would have been scored if not for the infringment .... And what your player did was a blatant professional foul, there is no doubt that if not for this Oates would have scored.
You should have had 2 penalties in a row against you from kick offs ... The kick off after the one that went out on the full, should have been a shot clock penalty ... The buzzer clearly sounded 5 seconds before your team kicked the ball, but Cummins didn't have the balls to penalize you for it