PRE-GAME Round 18 - Titans vs Broncos

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I'm all for dropping Fifita, especially for this game. What better "**** you" can you think of than that for the ungrateful mercenary ****. He can watch the shitshow he's sold himself into from the mostly empty grandstand.
I got a better use for him, when Haas gets a break Fifita can be his feet rest.
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You like winning money?

Titans beat us easily at suncorp earlier this year.
We've had better success at Suncorp rather then CBUS lately... Since 2018, we have won at Suncorp only to be flogged at CBUS. 2017 was also almost the same, with a last minute charge down winning you the game before a 54-0 soulcrusher for me at CBUS.
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We've had better success at Suncorp rather then CBUS lately... Since 2018, we have won at Suncorp only to be flogged at CBUS. 2017 was also almost the same, with a last minute charge down winning you the game before a 54-0 soulcrusher for me at CBUS.
It will be unreasonable but we might even start as favourites! I reckon there'll be some money on the Donkeys to beat the Tits after the better showing against Penwiff.
It will be unreasonable but we might even start as favourites! I reckon there'll be some money on the Donkeys to beat the Tits after the better showing against Penwiff.

Wouldn't be surprised. I weirdly feel more confident going in against top 8 sides to be honest. Not feeling it this week and as yet uncertain about next week as well. If we can somehow dominate the Dogs it would put me much more at ease. That said watching the replay I still don't think the Riff tested you enough out wide. Add to that Cleary didn't mix up those mid field kicks at all and I really don't think they played too well, the Riff. Credit to the Broncos though it was much improved defensive effort seemingly. Not much to compare to unfortunately. Kelly v Staggs is gonna be a key match up I reckon. Should be a good game.
We've had better success at Suncorp rather then CBUS lately... Since 2018, we have won at Suncorp only to be flogged at CBUS. 2017 was also almost the same, with a last minute charge down winning you the game before a 54-0 soulcrusher for me at CBUS.

It must be the large crowds you get at CBUS that put the players off.
It must be the large crowds you get at CBUS that put the players off.

For gods sake man you are chucking stones in glass houses at the moment shut up. We sold out our last home game, you couldn't even get close. Get a grip and stop being so salty. It's not hard to have a little humility especially when your own team has been steaming hot garbage this season.
For gods sake man you are chucking stones in glass houses at the moment shut up. We sold out our last home game, you couldn't even get close. Get a grip and stop being so salty. It's not hard to have a little humility especially when your own team has been steaming hot garbage this season.
Mate, when you come into an oppositions team forum as a johnny come lately poster just when your team poaches one of the best junior forwards we have had you got to expect a bit of banter.

Might need thicker skin if a pop at your crowd or fan base sets you off...

I think Titans still have our measure at the moment, but if we are going to win another game this year it will probably be this one so fingers crossed for a solid 80 min performance.
For gods sake man you are chucking stones in glass houses at the moment shut up. We sold out our last home game, you couldn't even get close. Get a grip and stop being so salty. It's not hard to have a little humility especially when your own team has been steaming hot garbage this season.

I don’t have to do anything on MY teams forum other than what the moderators tell me to do. If you don’t like what I have to say you can either block me or **** off to your teams forum.

I’ll say one last thing. If you think that coming on to an opposition forum directly after your team stole one of our best players that we had developed, supported and been incredibly excited about who had left us at our lowest point would be met with open arms, then quite frankly you’re a fucking idiot.
I don’t have to do anything on MY teams forum other than what the moderators tell me to do. If you don’t like what I have to say you can either block me or **** off to your teams forum.

I’ll say one last thing. If you think that coming on to an opposition forum directly after your team stole one of our best players that we had developed, supported and been incredibly excited about who had left us at our lowest point would be met with open arms, then quite frankly you’re a fucking idiot.
Feed im brah
Wouldn't be surprised. I weirdly feel more confident going in against top 8 sides to be honest. Not feeling it this week and as yet uncertain about next week as well. If we can somehow dominate the Dogs it would put me much more at ease. That said watching the replay I still don't think the Riff tested you enough out wide. Add to that Cleary didn't mix up those mid field kicks at all and I really don't think they played too well, the Riff. Credit to the Broncos though it was much improved defensive effort seemingly. Not much to compare to unfortunately. Kelly v Staggs is gonna be a key match up I reckon. Should be a good game.
I'm feeling mixed emotions on the Broncos Titans game. I really don't want to see either side lose. Due in no small way to the Titans history, if we beat them it won't be the corner we need to round to bring back our mojo. That was last week. Even the Cowpats wouldn't mean much either.

I want the Titans to keep on their upwards trajectory too and I want both teams fighting one another in a major semi or grand final. Then the Tits could get fucked !
Mate, when you come into an oppositions team forum as a johnny come lately poster just when your team poaches one of the best junior forwards we have had you got to expect a bit of banter.

Might need thicker skin if a pop at your crowd or fan base sets you off...

I think Titans still have our measure at the moment, but if we are going to win another game this year it will probably be this one so fingers crossed for a solid 80 min performance.
It's just the pettiness of it. The Don has been welcomed and friendly banter is fine but this stuff is bgoat level or getting there at least. I'm sure the Don can handle decent banter.
If the TITANS ACTUALLY start to do well, its great news for the league...hopefully finish off the Suns.
If the TITANS ACTUALLY start to do well, its great news for the league...hopefully finish off the Suns.

I'm actually fairly sure the fan bases are to a degree mutually exclusive. Majority seem to pick one or the other. It's been weird seeing the Suns publicly support the Titans this year actually. Confusing to say the least. Maybe they have realised something similar. I don't think the Suns will die anytime soon, they are getting way too much funding from the AFL, 27.5M to be exact. Considering NRL gives clubs 13M, you'd have to think that extra funding goes somewhere. Surely they'd at least give them time given that sort of investment.
I used to like the Titans. Back when they had one of my favourite players of all time playing for them. Matty Rogers that is. Rogers time there was short lived and he soon retired.

I soon discovered that a couple of my friends were mad Titans fans and they utterly hated the Broncos. Their non stop spam of anti Broncos bullshit they posted of social media really made me start to dislike the Titans, more out of spite than anything.

Then the poaching of our promising Juniours started. For me I think it started with Wallace. That was soon followed by Taylor and Arrow, and now Fifita. There were others but these 4 i really wanted us to keep.

Now over the last couple of years we can throw into the mix, one of my other all time favourite players in Gordon Tallis. Man this guy utterly despises our club for reasons I dont fully understand. I can't help but feel his relationship to the Titans has a lot more to do with sticking the boot into us, rather than anything else. Very dissapointing.

Now i say **** the Titans!! I hope we add to our impressive record against them this weekend and smash these annoying c##ts. Go Broncos!
The Suns are a season or two away from challenging for the flag, they are fine.
What’s happening with Isaako? Is he finished for the season or still in the bubble?
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