My "**** you" answer is to not reward crippling and repeated incompetency, especially if is glaringly obvious to the customer and they are expected to be satisfied with a sub-par product.
My genuine answer is multiple levels of redundancy. Which is what the bunker
should be providing. What we are talking about here is what I have to deal with every day with vehicle wraps, and more specifically, taking a 3 dimensional item and making it as 2 dimensional as possible. So that involves everything from the photography, to the measurements, to how the design is set up and how it is printed with bleed, guides, and surplus elements that can be used if something unforeseen happens. For something that seems simple, there are a hell of a lot of ways to **** it up, and that's what I am good at - fucking up and working out how to Not **** That Up Again.
Especially relevant to the "making something 3d be 2d" is a simple but very useful photoshop too called "Perspective Warp". It's not exact, but gets me to around 97-98% accuracy on areas that are square in real life, but not in photographs. Obviously not very useful for a fucking PT Cruiser that looks like someone melted a '50s Ford, but toolboxes, ute trays, truck sides, it's mint. Let's play a game.
We can't see the sidelines on both sides, but we can see the "10" in from both sides. These should be parallel in theory, close enough in real life to be useful:
View attachment 23254
Perspective warp:
View attachment 23255
View attachment 23256
Does the bunker have the time to **** around with this shit? No. But should they have the expertise to be able to determine this shit from a glance, to the competency level of a nobody like me? Absofuckinglutely. Should that bunker official double down on their incompetence by deferring the call to people on the field with zero technology, replays or slow-mo, when there is more than enough evidence to prove that the on-field call was wrong? If I tolerated that level of idiocy the business I work for would have shut its doors long ago. And yet here we are at the top level of a multiple-millions-of-dollars-a-year professional code.