POST GAME [Round 22, 2023] Broncos vs Roosters

The crop makes it look misleading if you look down the bottom properly. You can't see enough of the sideline so your eyes play tricks. Focus on it being parallel to the black and white line of the try line.

Perspective. You can't make it parallel to the goal line in absolute terms when persepective has the sizing between the 10 metre lines decreasing the further away it is. If we mark the point of Mam's feet as a point between the 10 & 20 lines, and scale that to the lines at the distance that Staggs is it, he's over 1 metre on-side.

I'm actually glad we don't generate that media outrage about ref decisions. You don't want your players to excuse losses to things they think are outside their control, which I think is what Kevvie's philosophy is (you win some calls, and you lose others, but if you're good enough, you take the ref/luck out of it).

The teams this year with coaches whinging about the ref all the time, also don't seem to be doing that great: Roosters, Raiders, South's, etc. Whinging and making excuses in not a great long term strategy to build a better team. Only time Kevvie really complained was after that Storm game, which was completely justified.

P.S. we should also not be blind to the fact that we also get some questionable calls go our way sometimes too.

Yeah but behind the scenes the club should be tearing strips off the NRL.

The Panthers, Storm & Cowboys aren't going to be whingeing about the ref's calls because they get 90% of the calls that have the slightest doubt, plus a couple of calls that are head-scratchingly blatantly incorrect.
Perspective. You can't make it parallel to the goal line in absolute terms when persepective has the sizing between the 10 metre lines decreasing the further away it is. If we mark the point of Mam's feet as a point between the 10 & 20 lines, and scale that to the lines at the distance that Staggs is it, he's over 1 metre on-side.

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Ref bad yeah. Morkel no bad. I drew the lines on Mamm's positioning between the lines, copied & pasted it to where Staggs is, and scaled it in proportion so it sits exactly on the same 10 and 20 metre lines. They are the same points on the field, corrected for the perspective in the photo. Come back next week for more Morkel diagrams.
Ref bad yeah. Morkel no bad. I drew the lines on Mamm's positioning between the lines, copied & pasted it to where Staggs is, and scaled it in proportion so it sits exactly on the same 10 and 20 metre lines. They are the same points on the field, corrected for the perspective in the photo. Come back next week for more Morkel diagrams.

Parks And Recreation Side Eye GIF
Perspective. You can't make it parallel to the goal line in absolute terms when persepective has the sizing between the 10 metre lines decreasing the further away it is. If we mark the point of Mam's feet as a point between the 10 & 20 lines, and scale that to the lines at the distance that Staggs is it, he's over 1 metre on-side.

View attachment 23251
Parallax error. That's why they pay professionals to stand on the sidelines with a flag, rather than consult the home TV viewers for an expert opinion.
Haven’t seen any mention of Atkins performance in the media. Only an “lol” to his try saver. It’s all been swept under and he’ll be back next week
Just wait until the “supporting the on-field decision” when it is obvious the player is well onside affects one of the teams they like (Panthers, South’s etc.) they will lose their fucking minds.
Parallax error. That's why they pay professionals to stand on the sidelines with a flag, rather than consult the home TV viewers for an expert opinion.

Apologies, I forgot that these officials have the ability to slow time & even go back and forth through time to watch events multiple times. The NRL really should have disclosed this, we'd be much more willing to take Annersley's justifications more seriously with events that seem to defy belief.

Parallax errors are going to be something far more prevalent in a human's visual system as their vision is based on two lenses. A single camera lens is going to be far more reliable. AND, this shit is something that I have had to be on top of for my entire 25 year career. Perspective, angles, determining parallels, etc. You can't do what I do successfully without being critically accurate. And fucking pedantic.
Apologies, I forgot that these officials have the ability to slow time & even go back and forth through time to watch events multiple times. The NRL really should have disclosed this, we'd be much more willing to take Annersley's justifications more seriously with events that seem to defy belief.

Parallax errors are going to be something far more prevalent in a human's visual system as their vision is based on two lenses. A single camera lens is going to be far more reliable. AND, this shit is something that I have had to be on top of for my entire 25 year career. Perspective, angles, determining parallels, etc. You can't do what I do successfully without being critically accurate. And fucking pedantic.
What is your workflow solution to getting every decision, on every play, forensically correct?
Parallax error. That's why they pay professionals to stand on the sidelines with a flag, rather than consult the home TV viewers for an expert opinion.

The same ones that miss a players foot clearly on the wrong side of the touch line while standing directly in front of it?

I'm not an expert. But I'm not worse.
What is your workflow solution to getting every decision, on every play, forensically correct?

My "**** you" answer is to not reward crippling and repeated incompetency, especially if is glaringly obvious to the customer and they are expected to be satisfied with a sub-par product.

My genuine answer is multiple levels of redundancy. Which is what the bunker should be providing. What we are talking about here is what I have to deal with every day with vehicle wraps, and more specifically, taking a 3 dimensional item and making it as 2 dimensional as possible. So that involves everything from the photography, to the measurements, to how the design is set up and how it is printed with bleed, guides, and surplus elements that can be used if something unforeseen happens. For something that seems simple, there are a hell of a lot of ways to **** it up, and that's what I am good at - fucking up and working out how to Not **** That Up Again.

Especially relevant to the "making something 3d be 2d" is a simple but very useful photoshop too called "Perspective Warp". It's not exact, but gets me to around 97-98% accuracy on areas that are square in real life, but not in photographs. Obviously not very useful for a fucking PT Cruiser that looks like someone melted a '50s Ford, but toolboxes, ute trays, truck sides, it's mint. Let's play a game.

We can't see the sidelines on both sides, but we can see the "10" in from both sides. These should be parallel in theory, close enough in real life to be useful:


Perspective warp:



Does the bunker have the time to **** around with this shit? No. But should they have the expertise to be able to determine this shit from a glance, to the competency level of a nobody like me? Absofuckinglutely. Should that bunker official double down on their incompetence by deferring the call to people on the field with zero technology, replays or slow-mo, when there is more than enough evidence to prove that the on-field call was wrong? If I tolerated that level of idiocy the business I work for would have shut its doors long ago. And yet here we are at the top level of a multiple-millions-of-dollars-a-year professional code.
Perspective. You can't make it parallel to the goal line in absolute terms when persepective has the sizing between the 10 metre lines decreasing the further away it is. If we mark the point of Mam's feet as a point between the 10 & 20 lines, and scale that to the lines at the distance that Staggs is it, he's over 1 metre on-side.

View attachment 23251

One detail ,,,
Can`t tell from that view if Ezra has actually kicked the ball at that moment . Staggs could well have taken another step or more by the time the ball leaves the boot .
One detail ,,,
Can`t tell from that view if Ezra has actually kicked the ball at that moment . Staggs could well have taken another step or more by the time the ball leaves the boot .
That white blob at Mam's foot is the ball. How many steps do you think Staggs can take in 0.001 of a second?
That white blob at Mam's foot is the ball. How many steps do you think Staggs can take in 0.001 of a second?
He can come up with unlimited ways to defend the refs no matter how delusional. Annesley would be proud.