Round 24 - Panthers vs. Broncos - LIVE DISCUSSION

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The refs took a fucking eternity to call 6 again. This is appalling refereeing.
If I was hook, I'd be doing a Toovey after the game. I'm sick of these shit refs.
We're about to be opened up here.

A bunch of no names (not meant to be an insult to the Panthers) beating a team full of Origin stars....

if corey oates keeps his head on he could be scarily good by the time he's in his 20s ...
Its all falling apart. If segeyaro gets a hat trick... someone needs to be sacked
Wow cleaning up a loose ball right in front of him wow he's so much better than Barba!!!
Wow no one helps jack reed when hes got hold of a leg. These cliques still exist it seems
We're about to be opened up here.

A bunch of no names (not meant to be an insult to the Panthers) beating a team full of Origin stars....


A team full of Origin stars? By which you mean Thaiday, Parker, Gillet and Hannant? I guess Stagg, Wallace and Prince could be counted as well.

Horrible defence and dumb referees are killing us.
Wow cleaning up a loose ball right in front of him wow he's so much better than Barba!!!

I said Boyd was a better fullback than Hoffman the other day.

It was the dumbest thing ever posted on this forum apparently.
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