Round 24 - Panthers vs. Broncos - LIVE DISCUSSION

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We are getting carved up by the refs. This is getting funny now, their mistakes are so blatant.
The poor performances of the refs are putting me off watching any games.

They are the ones that can decide on who wins or loses.

Yeah but the refs didn't let segeyaro score two of the softest tries in history
Oates is great though, I like the cut of his jib
We may as well attempt 6 drop goals to level the score. Its our best chance for points
Good set from us, did everything but scored.
The worst thing is the panthers are playing so shit
for a team as slow and unfit as this broncos team is, they've done pretty well to win nine games really ...
5th tackle, hunt dummy half gillette kicks? i dont get it
Elbow from Mansour there but the refs will just let that go
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