Round 24 - Panthers vs. Broncos - LIVE DISCUSSION

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Hunt is in desperate need of a mentor.
OH go and get fucked

if hook doesn't go ape shit in the presser after this the club should fine him 10 grand
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Gus you fucking wanker, how much did ya feed the refs tonight
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Are you kidding me? Even the video ref can't get it right.
I kind of hope Griffin does something good, goes off at the refs so much that it both makes them change for the better and for us hopefully gets rid of Griffin.
I kind of hope Griffin does something good, goes off at the refs so much that it both makes them change for the better and for us hopefully gets rid of Griffin.
Griffin charged for assault
Man this season has been disappointment. Oh least we've got the cricket :)
The poor performances of the refs are putting me off watching any games.

They are the ones that can decide on who wins or loses.
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