We killed our chances and Parra played pretty well with the extra ball we handed over.
Not sure about the 6 again rule atm. I wasn't a fan before, less convinced now but happy to see where it goes.
The ref fucked us over with the 6 again calls in the first 15 mins. I couldn't see any difference between what we got pinged for and what they did. It set the tone for the game.
What really pissed me off was the video ref clearly tipping to the ref when Staggs dropped had it knocked out but a massive fail on tipping him that Oates never knocked it dead in goal.
Tip 1 you tip all or stay the **** out of it.
Agree with other comments re our defensive strategy, we simply cannot be sliding backwards and expect to stop players like Sivo.
1 ref sped the game up but offside is going to be a problem. All this change is going to do is shift the cheating to a different area and Parra were on to it from the get.
Nothing has changed with Darbs, he gives us nothing except the slowest scoot in history.
This game is not the one to judge us on but with our size we could be one of the teams to fair the worst.
Seibs has done a terrific job to make so many changes so quickly and with 1 change our entire strategy could be blown away and it's advantage the mid sized mobile packs.