NRLW POST GAME Round 4 - Broncos vs Eels

I love that move.

Running sideways and bringing Mele back in on the angle. She's been really affective doing that and it's a move I want to keep seeing.

That and Chelsea offloading up the middle.

You can very very very clearly see her slap it out of her hands. That makes it a knock on for Eels.
That's a bit of justice right there. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen that 'rule'.
That's justice for the rubbish call from the fucking idiot in the bunker.
Punches the ball out “just making a tackle. Sharpe has to be the worst ref in any form of the game. The only reason she still has a job is that she is a woman and the admit of women refs are too low and it would be a terrible look if she was dropped.
Had a look and it's Sharpe in the bunker.

Why am I not surprised? Her and Badger are awful.
tom hiddleston face GIF

No intent to hit in the face.