POST GAME Round 4 - Broncos vs Roosters




01 Jan 1970

Match Stats

/ Field Goals /
/ 2P Field Goals /
Try Assists
% Possession %
/ Set Completion /
Time in Opposition Half
Metres Gained
Dummy Half Runs
/ Kicks/Kick Metres /
1 on 1 Steals
Line Breaks
Line Break Assists
Support Play
/ Set Completion /
Penalties (Conceded)
Set Restarts

Player Stats

Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
Can webke come back for the week and take on each player in the sandpit? Give them a real punishment


State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
I have never witnessed a team stroll out wearing our jersey and feel beaten before a ball is kicked in anger...

We had given up basically...before the game had started

Oh boy.....yeh its 3-30am and I cant sleep properly because of this.....keep thinking how to fix this mess myself....

I thought about coming on here at a more sensible hour and saying we need to reach out to guys like Webcke, Petro, Campion etc and have them involved in the club; guys who ARE legends cause they earned the right to be called such. Premiership winners who would call out those who try and shortcut themselves to success..

well....if you want to do that you may as well hand the coaching reins over to them as well...

Why aren't the board being held more to account here..? What board member of a NRL club is also part of a commentary team at channel 9? Locky, I love ya but its one OR the other champ....not both...

Would Kevin Walters right now be any worse than this bloke..? Siebs, you look every bit what you are; an inexperienced year 3 coach.

There is zero accountability, no discipline, no structure, not short/medium and long term plan present....

If your coach has no answers....then......where do you turn to then....

Make Carrigan and Croft co-captain/coach..?
Unfortunately, we can’t let the old boys near the team because of the Covid shit - this is why we had to let Parker go.
Also, on Lockyer, I know the players wouldn’t have seen it but I couldn’t believe it, here he was, just before the game, Board member and all, tipping the Roosters. So, I’m with you on the one role or the other thing.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Unfortunately, we can’t let the old boys near the team because of the Covid shit - this is why we had to let Parker go.
Also, on Lockyer, I know the players wouldn’t have seen it but I couldn’t believe it, here he was, just before the game, Board member and all, tipping the Roosters. So, I’m with you on the one role or the other thing.

yeh....I didnt consider the covid shit...dammit....that sucks....maybe not all season mind, but yeh...


NRL Player
Sep 9, 2015
Does anyone else get overly emotionally invested in this game and the club? And do they just not know how to process their emotions when shit like this happens?

Cause I dont.
It's interesting you say that.
For me personally since the heartbreaking loss of 2015 I'm less emotionally invested but this probably because of a few reasons.
I have two young children now so I don't want to show anger in front of them but also 2015 drained me in a way.
I still love my footy, following the first two rounds it felt good but hollow with COVID-19 but there are so many issues surrounding the club, the way the code is managed I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Fair to say those defence problems weren't fixed.

Seibold used the same descriptive word as me In relation to Paix and said he was too indecisive at hooker. I am not sure it will change. I am not writing the guy off but he needs to play the position and learn the position. It's an art and he doesn't have it at the moment.

Niu off the bench I still don't like, moving Isaako in defence and Niu in attack is just changing for changing sake. Too cute for my liking in a side that just needs guys learning their role and honing their craft. If you have young guys things need to be simple and direct. That's teaching. Give them one job not 15.

If you have a young team you need to do the really simple things right, Newcastle showed that last week. They defended their way to a draw with half their team out. They only had 41% of the ball and made nearly 100 more tackles, Penrith had the ball for 15 more minutes- yet didn't capitulate.

You won't get the six again calls until you have the ball and momentum, Broncos have none of that. It's not some conspiracy against the Broncos- you need to get quick play the balls and roll forward get the other team just getting back before having to come forward again.
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Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Well time to be brutal:

1. Isaako - I again thought he was actually quite good but he is a symptom of this side over the last few years. He did some things really well but others were horrible. You can’t have mediocre in your 1 anymore. He is great at taking the high ball and is getting better reading defensively but he offers absolutely nothing in attack. He doesn’t ball play and he doesn’t support run. He’s half a player essentially and this is symptomatic of almost the entire team - 6
2. Oates - He has become a horrible winger and it’s just so sad to see. I think to an extent he is a victim of the guys inside him who are absolute trash but he runs with zero venom these days and he gets no quality ball at all. I wonder how he would go with a good Centre on his right. He actually looked decent in the second-row at the end of the game, that’s his future now or another club - 4
3. Arthars - He wasn’t good but almost no one was last night but I think he is a bit of a victim of circumstance. He is getting shuffled all around the backline and he is clearly trying. Is he good enough? I don’t know but he needs to be given a shot at left centre, I think he could help fix that side of the field’s glaring issues, at least as a stop gap - 4
4. Boyd - For goodness sake, what an absolute spud. He has been over the hill for what, four seasons now? Make the call Anthony because if you don’t, this bloke will be here longer than you sadly. Boyd defended like pus, he didn’t even try to score on two occasions, one an absolute chance. That’s two weeks in a row. He gives up in defense and he doesn’t even try in attack. He got put away once and instead of drawing and then passing by holding the ball up, he immediately passes to poor Oates who can’t do anything but run and become easy pickings for a noted gun defender in Morris. Absolute garbage from a bloke who should know better and be long retired - 0 (deserves lower)
5. Farnworth - Look, he had his first pretty average game but at least he was trying his socks off out there, was just outclassed at his present stage of development. I’m not going to be as harsh on him as some of the more experienced guys but he needs to run with venom on kick returns, he’s big enough to do so. Looked all at sea when shifted to centre late in the game - 4
6. Milford - Get out of the side! Absolutely wasted money in this guy. He is a victim of really poor coaching decisions but poor coaching doesn’t make you lose your speed, poor lifestyle choices does that. He has nothing going for him now. He’s slow, he has no footy brain and he has no creativity to save himself. If he were your prize race horse, he’s laying there with a broken leg. He May still thrive under a good system but that isn’t the Broncos anymore. He needs to be dropped last year but he won’t be because he’s paid too much to sit on the line. He can’t defend, he can’t lead, he can’t make anything happen, he can’t organise, he breaks down any semblance of play that does happen. What exactly is he there for? Why is he getting paid more than a third of what he is being paid? Trash - 0 (Again should be less but I wonder if he would go even slightly better with anyone other than Boyd outside him)
7. Croft - Absolute shocker. At least last week he was trying his butt off despite no support whatsoever from his million dollar spud halves partner. Horrible in every aspect of the game but that said, his short-kicking actually is decent, he just doesn’t have anyone in the backline who can capitalise on it. As a captain, he needs to inspire and lift his troops, not stand at the back of the group and sulk after the 85th try - 2
8. Flegler - Horror game for the kid, at least he was decent in rounds one and two because since the break, he’s been garbage. Like most of the team, zero consistency and zero intensity. He’ll come good but last night was one of his worst performances ever. Absolutely horrible stuff - 2
9. Paix - I don’t really know what to say because he was on a hiding to nothing to be honest. Definitely thrown in the deep end and while he stayed above water just for a while, he sunk pretty low by the end. He didn’t run, he didn’t look confident and while he tried, he didn’t make a lot of good decisions. He got zero help from his forwards he didn’t want to run on to the ball though either. Made some bad tackle attempts when he was understandably exhausted - 4
10. Haas - Once again a shining light in a horror display. I feel for this kid though because in he last two weeks, every time he’s got the ball, he’s had 18 defenders on him because it’s always one out with no support runners anywhere in sight. He is looking to offload, you can see it but there is no one to offload to. He’s going to be burnt out if Siebs keeps playing him for so many minutes. Just because he can doesn’t mean he should and especially when his side is being so hopelessly bashed and beaten - 7
11. Bullemor - Look he fried and there were things that looked good but he was found wanting in defense over and over again. He has a future but he also needs time and I’m willing to give it to him because the foods are there, you can see it, he just isn’t ready yet. I like the potential though - 5
12. Hopoate - He was better but then, he couldn’t possibly be worse than last week. He turned up but that’s about it. He doesn’t run with venom, he doesn’t even decoy run, he doesn’t hit with venom, he’s just there, the very definition of depth player sadly but interesting when he is one of the best mediocres of a horrible bunch - 5
13. Carrigan - He’s been really good so I will cut him a little bit of slack but last night he looked flat and as captain, he needs to learn his team feeds off his demeanour. He did some good runs but mostly lacked energy and just seemed quiet - 3

14. Niu - He definitely added something when he got out there. He played 9 in attack and 1 in defense, he looked pretty good doing it too. I’d really like to see more of him because he showed energy when he got there, something none of the starters showed at all - 7
15. Ofahenguie - He was mediocre, in this side that’s greatness sadly. He tried to lift the side, not much you can do though when you just aren’t that good - 5
16. Kennedy - He needs to stay in the side. This isn’t because he’s good, he’s serviceable but he also doesn’t seem to act like an entitled, unearned megastar that’s others do. He also doesn’t phone it in as much, he’s average and last night, average was like gold - 5
17. Lodge - He tried to fire his team up, he tried to inspire, he also missed 20% or so of his tackles, just like everyone else out there - 4

Coach - Out of just depth clearly. Though I do feel for him here and am willing to cut a little slack for a few reasons. Firstly, there are no good coaches available that could do anything with this current squad, I include Walters. Secondly, the side looked good in rounds 1 and 2 when they had most of the squad available. Finally, he legitimately does have an unavailability crisis and at least he tried to change things up at the end of the game last night, albeit too late. He needs to drop Milford and Boyd, it willtake guts but if he doesn’t, they will both be around longer than him.


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
Firstly, there are no good coaches available that could do anything with this current squad, I include Walters
I probably agree that Walters isn't the long term answer but I'm just wondering if he might be the short term answer to getting the passion and soul back in the club.

Kevvie has that club history in him, maybe we need to find and rebuild that culture first and worry about the technique and stats second, we need to get back to a place were the jersey means something and not just a pay cheque.

And I do believe Wayne had a hand in that culture breakdown, his battles with the club and pitting the players against the board and club (that BBQ thing was a prime example) has poisoned the relationship.

Seibold might be the right coach for this club but it's just at the wrong time.
NSW stables

NSW stables

NRL Player
May 3, 2019
Where the broncos at?
Giphy 4


QCup Player
Feb 7, 2012
May not be able to go near the players, but maybe printing off a few signs and putting them up on the fence at training might show our support...


BTW, I just posted an empty envelope to the club attention the whole playing group.
animal eater

animal eater

QCup Player
Jul 27, 2013
Well on the upside, we have the same record as the Roosters. Don't worry about Boyd catching Covid-19. He can't catch anything. Thanks....I'll be here all night.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
I'm starting to like the idea of Walters as head coach. I don't even rate him as coach but I'm sure he'd demand more respect from the playing group because the players clearly don't even try for Seibold. This is back to the Henjak days. I never liked Griffin but we were at least average with him. We are just embarrassingly shit, two record breaking defeats in a space of 5 games and 3 of the last 5 games were utterly embarrassing.


NRL Player
Feb 2, 2011
I'm starting to like the idea of Walters as head coach. I don't even rate him as coach but I'm sure he'd demand more respect from the playing group because the players clearly don't even try for Seibold. This is back to the Henjak days. I never liked Griffin but we were at least average with him. We are just embarrassingly shit, two record breaking defeats in a space of 5 games and 3 of the last 5 games were utterly embarrassing.

I honestly have no idea but I feel like Kevvie would have too much of a soft hand for what we need currently, bring in the likes of Hodges and Parker to set these guys straight.


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
Also, on Lockyer, I know the players wouldn’t have seen it but I couldn’t believe it, here he was, just before the game, Board member and all, tipping the Roosters. So, I’m with you on the one role or the other thing.
No... is that correct? ''Darren Everywhere'' tipping against the club he is on the board of??

If you make an assumption that you have a coach that, reflecting the win loss record over many seasons is actually in his depth, then the focus shifts to those in charge of these selections and team and club direction.. ie the board. I remember Darren Lockyer gushing about how well Siebs interviewed, which as anyone who has ever employed people knows is a small part of a puzzle only.

The recruiting over the past two years actually looks like it's heading in a positive direction, clearly there is something toxic about the teams mentality and attitude however, this should have been obvious after the Parra defeat last year. Whatever it is, those responsible for fixing it, kind of aren't.

Looking forwards to watching this drama resolve, can't get any worse can it?


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Apart from Croft who became available as a sloppy second who has AS targeted as a must have recruit..


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
Apart from Croft who became available as a sloppy second who has AS targeted as a must have recruit..
I was thinking of who has been moved on rather, allowing for the young talent to be retained. Roberts, Macca, Kodi etc, you are right though that new recruits from outside the club have been underwhelming, even Croft is he is the best example was pursued in such a way that it clearly didn't seem like a priority.


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