I'm going against the grain here but I think Croft was better than Milf yesterday, but not by much. Yeah Milf had 100 odd running meters but I can't recall any of them being particularly threatening? There may have been one, but that was about it. He made a few errors, his kicking was pretty average, and for all the running meters hype, I thought Croft did far more of trying to back up half breaks or half openings than Milf did. He floated in and out of the game far too much IMO, whereas Croft at least was trying to get involved. It's a low bar for sure but I'd want to see my under pressure halves trying to make things happen and I felt Croft did more of this than Milf.
edit: maybe saying his kicking was pretty average is a bit unfair, he did cause a couple of errors with his kicks. I dunno, I tried to keep a close eye on Milf at the game yesterday and he just didn't really stand out at all. Croft didn't either to be fair but I do remember him at least making a few good tackles... yeah if we're starting to go this granular drop them both.