Reynolds was fantastic besides his rubbish goal kicking.
Staggs showed why he's worth 700k, he plays like that every week and he's actually worth more than that.
Oates made 0 mistakes, all 3 trys were fantastic determination (where has that been for 4 years though you ****?) and he was all round playing like a winner.
Haas was as usual, the heart of the team. 21 runs 205metres, 33 tackles, no misses. Keep him happy, we need him long term.
I'm not mad at the loss, just Tesi really. He didn't even have to be good this game, he just had to not be a dud. Horrible goal line defence as usual, runs ahead of Staggs blowing a try, there was a clear overlap at one point and instead of immediately tapping on he hogs it, then he inexplicably makes a tackle while being called out 3 times by the ref. Any one of these in isolation are coach killers, but all of that in one game? Just **** off already, he doesn't have it Kev.