I don't have an issue with people voicing their opinions and criticism. I do when it's just a "bashathon" or deprived of common sense, which btw, I don't think applies to you... Besides, it's one thing to voice your emotionally charged opinions during a game, which is why I tend to ignore most comments in the live thread.
Obviously, that's my way of looking at things, but I prefer to cool down first before making comments, and especially when it comes to the Broncs, I often need a second look at things before delivering opinions.
I can voice what I think might work better, but I won't go down the path that a coach is an idiot for not doing this or that, because I simply don't have the facts to know whether there are reasons for it not to happen.
I'd love to see Kemp on the wing, but I can't bag Hook for not doing it, because he may have very good reasons for it, unbeknown to me!
Same thing with the Hunt love. People keep saying he deserves a go, and maybe he does, but there may be plenty of reasons why Griffin doesn't do it, which we don't know about.
Hala is another example. What do we really know about his levels of fitness to justify the barrage he copped for not keeping him on the paddock longer?
I will be the first to admit that Griffin's use of the bench sometimes baffles me, but that is something that is based on what I see during the games.
It's a different thing to bag him for not giving Hunt opportunities or not replacing Maranta with Kemp, because I don't know what the reasons are behind that.
What it comes down it is that I won't bag someone based on speculation!
Also, while I think sarcasm has a place to take arrogant twats down a few notches, I really dislike its use to belittle someone's opinion. As Ning said, it's the lowest form of wit!