Nothing worse for morale then an overpaid group of leaders taking a back seat on the field while the young guys have no choice but to take the slack. A group of leaders who get a nice big fat paycheck known to all regardless of performance. A group of leaders who are guaranteed a spot each week no matter how shit they are while the other young guys are fighting to make it in first grade.
These young players see this group of leaders reamed on TV and social media so hard that its worn out, yet they rock up training and these guys look like a protected species taking the dollars regardless of a win or loss. Everyone's asking 'wheres the experience' as if these million dollar players didn't exist.
Coach gets paid win/loss, top players get paid win/loss. Win or lose, these guys are still getting paid. These young guys will be damage goods by the time this is over, before their careers get a chance to take off.
There's someone who can fill their spot and when their gone all those shit players you mention will spring to life and play to their potential :) Its happened before. Just one week to see what difference it can make, 1 WEEK TRIAL, or just keep the status quo.
Its not personal, its just professional sport.