I don't think I've ever said on here I don't like Turpin, in fact I defended him all last year, the fact is now paix is a better option
I have to agree with your observation. I think Paix has at last started to come out of Turpin's shadow.
In our game now milliseconds are absolutely crucial. Quick PTBs and hookers passing immediately from the deck to just in front of their attacking player will determine to a large degree who wins the ruck and gets over the advantage line. Getting this right from play one will determine how effective your set starts and finishes. I think Paix gives us an advantage there because he is slightly faster than Turps and his passes seem to be more accurate too. Too many of Turps' passes arrive late to the player or in many instances they arrive above their head or behind the advancing player.
Watching the MM cup final at the weekend it was such a breath of fresh air watching Mozer's service from dummy-half. His ability to pass accurately at speed was a joy to behold. His ability to engage (and often fool) the markers seemed effortless too.
Paix has also learned how to keep both the A and the B markers engaged which in turn provides a few centimeters more space for the player coming onto the ball.
I think McHunt suggested Turps was only doing what he was told by the coaching staff, but surely that also means playing what's in front of you too. So if the opportunity arises where a marker has dropped off you need to run into that space. I'm sure Ballin and Boxhead are not instructing Turps to be as one-dimensional as possible and to simply tackle first and then just PTB without thinking.
Paix (to me) looks like he is trying to put those little 1% plays into his game. All he needs is game time. Unfortunately, the Broncos fanbase are so impatient that it is very rare that a player is given time to learn the 1%ers on game day.
Realistically, I think Paix is good and has the potential to be a real fine hooker. He still needs another season or two to reach that potential. By then he will be competing with a young Blake Mozer which is exactly where we want to be. How novel will it be to have two above average hookers?